It is because of this that I really believe that a person should begin dating only when he or she is When it comes to “Christian dating” those same underlying motivations still exist. The girl wants to be at the centre of her boyfriend's universe.
Table of contents
- Is it OK for Christian teenagers to start dating or should they wait until they are older?
- The Ones About Dating
- What does the Bible say about teens dating? |
- The Teaching Ministry of Mark Ballenger
- When Should a Christian Start Dating?
If you are dating a new girl or guy every few months, that is a problem in my opinion. Too much dating is a sign that you are missing the importance of a healthy season of friendship. I say that because often times you can learn enough about someone in friendship to determine it would not work romantically before entering into a dating relationship. I believe you should start dating once you can no longer determine what you need to know from the friend-zone.
I knew it was time to start dating Bethany after we had progressed as far as we could in our friendship. Much of what you need to know about someone to see if you should not progress with someone can be found out in friendship.
Is it OK for Christian teenagers to start dating or should they wait until they are older?
You need to date, however, to see if you should keep progressing. Christians should start dating once they meet someone that they like but they need to progress past friendship to learn more about him or her. Are they a Christian? Are you generally headed in the same direction in life? What state does this person plan to live in? All of these types of questions can be figured out in friendship. Why date someone when there are basic flaws in the match that could have been discovered in friendship?
The Ones About Dating
Christians should start dating once they have exhausted the healthy boundaries of friendship. Christians should then get married once they have exhausted the healthy boundaries of dating. It's completely free - my gift to you. He noted that many people in his generation typically married at a much younger age and that his own parents were 19 and 20 when they were wed. But he knows many people in his generation who also advise not pairing off in dating relationships while in high school.
Even if godly people you know married early, dating early is not necessarily a good idea, he said. And the Bible is clear that sexual relations are for the marriage covenant, he added, referencing the Apostle Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 7: This perspective stands in stark contrast to our modern, media-saturated society where the prevailing sexual ethic is that sex outside of marriage is fine as long as it's consensual. Sexual desire, "one of the most powerful forces in human life is the awakening of a peculiar happiness and desire that comes from being liked by a person of the opposite sex," the theologian explained.
It's as if every switch on the mainframe of their moral life gets turned off while one massive desire button is alive and well. As a Christian she knows that she is supposed to practice chastity, but she also does not want to lose his affection and attention.
What does the Bible say about teens dating? |
The guy is fighting back the urge to fulfill his sexual desires. As a Christian he knows he is supposed to be practicing chastity, but he too begins looking for how far he can go to get some degree of satisfaction. And it can be all very confusing for a young man and woman committed to the Christian virtue of chastity!
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But it requires a great deal of self-discipline and maturity. Most teenagers lack both! But even when a teenager possesses great self-discipline and maturity, the question remains: Through fostering the virtue of friendship during the teenage years, boys and girls, young men and women, learn how to relate to the opposite sex.
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- Courtship Now: At what age should one be dating?.
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They have the opportunities to see certain characteristics in their friends that they admire and others that they know they just could never live with. They are able to begin forming an idea of what it is they are looking for in a future spouse. All of this happens while enjoying the dynamics of having fun in pressure-free relationships. To me, it is a win-win situation! They get all the benefits of what is good from dating, without all the confusion.
But that really only lasts until a couple breaks up. As the ideals of lasting, committed, unconditional love are eroded through a series of boyfriend-girlfriend relationships, a young man or woman also acquires all kinds of emotional baggage which is carried into future relationships. By the time you are ready to marry and you find that someone whom God has called you to be with, what meaning in your life will all those past relationships have?
Very little — apart from the regrets you might feel because you had given your heart, affection and perhaps physical intimacy to someone who is now not your husband. Someone else out there, other than your husband, would be carrying a special part of you, and you would be carrying something special from him. It was much more than friendship and yet it becomes something that you cannot share freely in your marriage with your husband.
Had you remained as friends you would be able to enjoy those memories. Instead you will spend a lifetime trying to get them out of your mind and heart. By the time you would be married with a family, you would come to realize, in hindsight, that you wish you had chosen to save it all up for your husband — everything: Saving it all for marriage becomes a heritage of love that you share with your husband and pass on to your children. It takes time and healing, a lot of prayer and grace, to get past those regrets!
Well, as I suggested, it is totally possible to achieve pure dating. In fact that is the ideal for a couple during courtship. The dating that takes place between a couple who is courting discerning marriage should be pure, chaste and holy.
The Teaching Ministry of Mark Ballenger
They should do all they can to experience God-glorifying, dynamic, exciting romance! And to do that, it needs to be pure! At a certain stage in life, when a young man or woman is ready to consider marriage, they can look forward to enjoying a wonderful, holy romance. And it will be all the more exciting and dynamic just because they have saved up so much of themselves to put into it. Ultimately, the marriage that results from such pure romance will be all the more beautiful and fulfilling for you — the reward of sacrificial loving and total self-giving.
So what are you wanting for yourself in life? What are you hoping to have in a marriage some day? What kind of relationship do you want to have with your future husband?
What kind of man do you want to marry? What kind of woman do you want to be for that man?
When Should a Christian Start Dating?
Take time now, while you are young, to pray about these things. Set goals for yourself and commit yourself to achieving those goals. Enjoy the tremendous gift of singleness — in your life right now — by doing and experiencing the things that God has set before you to do and experience right now. You will not likely be single forever — even if it feels that way now!
If you are called to marriage, you will likely spend more time in your life married than single. Enjoy this brief interlude between childhood and adult responsibilities to learn and grow, to develop your talents and to experience all the blessings of your singleness.