Its not worth ruining your friendship or hurting your friend for a guy because dating your friends boyfriend after they just broke up could not.
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- Is it okay to date your best friend's ex? | Yahoo Answers
Sounds like an episode from a Brazilian soap opera! Do what your heart says. Your ex-friend's opinion is hers, but wrong. You and Kyle know it.
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If y'all could move on and stay out of each other's business. She's pissed because you're dating her ex, you're pissed because she is talking crap to her sisters when in reality, nobody should give two shits. Enjoy your time with them. Related Questions Dating my now ex-friend's ex-boyfriend.? Dating friends ex's controversey? Dating a friend's ex.? It's not like I like him, yes there are still lingering feelings, but I'm not saying he's mine you can't talk to him.
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It's just- she's supposed to be my best friend and she betrayed me like that, even though she knew how much I liked him. Aren't best friend's exes off limits to best friends? I feel like I'm being irrational and insensitive but I can't help but get really angry and start crying. What do I do? Are you sure you want to delete this answer? There's an unspoken rule in dating which says that never date the ex of your friend or family member.
Most people abide by this rule but some overrule it outright.
Is it ok to go out with your friends ex?
I would assume that your friend didn't know that you dated the guy. But she knew and still went ahead with dating him, then its a little underhanded. Even so, you shouldn't really take it personal. If indeed your friend is happy with the guy, then try to be happy with her. But I'm tempted to believe that his true colours will come out again soon.
Friends wouldn't do things they know will upset you. There is no way they can say they don't know that their relationship hurts you when you have said you still care about your ex. Forget about them both There are nice people out there who wouldn't even think of doing this to you. Honestly, think about it this way - if there's a good chance your relationship with this guy could last longer than your friendship, go for it.
I started dating my best friend's ex, and we've been together well over a year now, and my best friend got over it real quickly.
Maybe talk to him or her about it. Want to know how to get your ex back? Don't worry about changing other people, worry about changing yourself. Do what it takes and I promise things will work out in your favor.
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The funny thing is I came to the realization that I had to change a little too late. After I was kicked out and after I was about to lose the only things that truly mattered to me - her love. A funny thing happens when we truly love someone and lose them. We do what ever it takes to get them back.
Is it okay to date your best friend's ex? | Yahoo Answers
For me I had to drop bad habits that had caused not only our relationship to sour but practically every other relationship I had had in the past. Not only with women, but with friends, co-workers, family, you name it. Which is why I say to you as my ex at the time said to me, the only thing you can do is change yourself.
Work on yourself and improve on the person that you already are. Drop the negative things in your life that don't belong there and you will see all of your relationships start to take off to new heights. If she still likes him than she will secretly get mad at you and make new friends and drift away from you or even get mad and tell you and blow up!