Employer speed dating

That is why we have come up with the idea of a quarterly employer speed dating event. We will be running these events within our training centres based in Gatwick and Warrington. After the event the candidates can highlight if they are interested in a job and the employers can.
Table of contents

Entry-level candidates will often find themselves in these types of interviews. They may also happen at job fairs and at college career centers, with a single employer or several employers. Tim Cork, president of the Toronto career transition company Nexcareer, Inc. What is the rationale behind this type of interview? In addition to saving time on first level evaluations, Malcom Gladwell, author of Blink, the Power of Thinking Without Thinking , believes that, "The human brain is capable of making instant judgments with great precision.

Employers now may put Gladwell's ideas to work in speed interviews for at least the first level of candidate screening. When you prepare for the possibility of a speed interview, you need to realize the importance of making an immediate positive impression, like in speed dating. Be dressed for success.


As you meet each new interviewer, start and end with a firm handshake, a smile, and solid eye contact. Repeat the person's name, if you are introduced, as in "Nice to meet you [name]. Be ready with your own questions to ask them. Your questions demonstrate to them your interest in the job and also help you decide if you want the job if they decide to make you an offer.

Also, have "networking cards" ready your non-work "business" card to give to each interviewer in exchange for their business card. Or, very carefully write down the names, job titles, and email addresses of everyone who interviews you.

Employer Speed Dating Events

You may be asked what you do or to simply introduce yourself. I reached out to two. And I currently work with zero. It was a bust. All in all though, HackerX did a good job organizing the event. There was free food and beer. The fast-paced interviewing ran like clockwork. The developers just kinda sucked. At least, they interviewed that way. Understandable, since this was a new experience for everyone in the room.

As an interviewer, I saw many strategies that developers took. If I were to attend as a candidate, these are some of the things I would focus on. Research shows that you have six minutes and 25 seconds to make a solid first impression in a job interview.

How does it work?

While first impressions are hard to shake, at least with a real interview you get that chance. A staggering number of candidates spent too long complaining about their current situation. Why their company was wronging them and how much better they are than that. They focused on everything negative.

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  3. How to Ace Speed Job Interviews!
  4. Teacher Feature: Danny Mathews!

Tell me about it later in a full interview. They spent most of the conversation explaining why they were content.


They wanted to see what was out there. And for recruiters getting to meet dozens of viable workers in person makes their job easier and more efficient.

Students Make Connections at Career Development's Speed Networking Event

Helen Beckett has written extensively about information technology, education and careers topics for a variety of national and B2B publications and websites. She empathises with all workers and aims to provide information that helps them navigate the challenges of the 21st century economy and workplace.

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  • Is speed-dating the route to great recruitment? Posted by Helen Beckett on September 13, 2 comments Recruiters are more pressed for time than ever before as business, work and every kind of pressure conspire to squeeze time out of diaries.

    Speed Dating Your Way to a Better Tech Job – Hacker Noon

    Savage outlines three components in a strong hiring process: Take the time required Recruitment is a series of discrete human interactions. Listen better than ever before Uncovering, questioning, and understanding are sadly undervalued recruiter skills that we need to hire and coach back into our business. Question everything The biggest cause of placements falling through is people making assumptions.

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