18 year old dating 25 year old

I'm 25(M) and interested in a girl at my job who I believe is still I've had bad experiences dating girls younger than me before. Mainly, the.
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I would suggest being friends and getting to know each other before you label it as anything. In reality it's not about what other people think If you're happy then that is all that matters and it doesn't matter what anyone else says because your happiness is all that matters i hope it all works out!

I think personality is what determines the relationship you have with someone more than your age. But you should still keep in mind the advice that others have cautioned here.

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Age isn't any big deal as long as everyones legal, but you may encounter some bumps in the road due to difference in maturity. A lot of learning and growing happens in those seven years. I'm 20 my boyfriend is We graduate 1 semester apart so we're at the same point in lie. Uhh its not really disgusting or anything. You're off age and if y'all like each other then yea. And really were on the same path together so just because you're older doesn't mean you're ahead of anyone else. How is it weird? This is the age of moving out and taking care of your own life.

If you're like 15 or 16, I would say yeah it is weird a little. It's not disgusting but like aundralyn said it's kinda weird. At 18 you're still a baby and new to adulting typically while at 25 you're at a different stage of life. It just seems like youd hit a lot of bumps and you wouldn't have too too much life experience in common. You're an adult now, do you booboo.

Not a big deal. Of course when I was a Junior and Senior in high school, I was a full time college student at a near by University. We are still dating and celebrating happy 10 months today actually!

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Go for it, it may work out. There's nothing wrong with that Drag photos to change their order. Sign up Log in. It is totally reasonable to hope that you guys are on a similar plane of enlightenment, if not, well you tried and you are the better , more experienced person for it. Yes, OP, date the 18 year old. You already know the answer, you are just rubbing it in at this point, right? You may feel weird because it's unusual from a social perspective. It's not unheard of though, and like others have suggested, it's really about maturity.

If she behaves like a real adult though, I'd consider emphasis on "consider" going for it if that's how you feel about her. I'm 19 and I dated someone 11 years older than me. I really loved him, it was a beautiful relationship but as most people here are saying, it most likely won't be your last relationship. If you aren't looking to settle down and get married yet, she probably isn't , go for it. Just know that it most likely won't be a long term relationship. For what it's worth, I don't regret it one bit.

It was something very significant in my life and my first love and I grew so much from it and learned so much. Just be ready to go at her pace, don't expect her to follow yours. No, go for it. If you two mesh well together and you're not her teacher or something, I'd say it's all good. But that's just one man's opinion.

My 18 year old daughter is dating a 26 year old man

You're not breaking any laws, so the real question is if the relationship works for both of you. If it does, it's OK. I think only you can answer that question. When I was 18, I dated someone who was 27, and it worked. We got along great and the age gap was no issue at all. We did get the odd snide comment from people but we brushed it off - we were happy at the end of the day. Regarding maturity, that is going to vary from person to person.

At 18, I was very mature for my age and I found dating someone older meant we were near enough on the same level. Whilst I acknowledge that previously you've had issues with dating younger girls, you shouldn't paint everyone with the same brush. If it was me, I'd see how things go. Sometimes only time will tell. IMO, you shouldn't decide whether or not to date someone solely on age difference.

28 year old male dating an 18 year old female

That being said, there's a good chance that an 18 year old isn't going to be too mature, and while it might not seem like a problem initially, it's probably going to start becoming more and more annoying the longer you spend with her. Compound her immaturity with having to hang out with her 18 year-old friends, and I could imagine it would be really difficult to deal with. That being said, there's always an exception to the rule. She might be extremely mature for her age, and also have mature friends. It also depends on what you're looking for. If it's going to be a short-term fling, why not date her and have some fun?

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If you're looking for something more long-term and serious, you might want to go for someone a bit older. In the last few years I'm 32 , I've dated women aged 20 - For me, I found the best age group in the range. Old enough to be mature, stable and established in career, but young enough to still be fun and full of energy! Yes, you're too old. I'm 25 as well and wouldn't date anyone younger than The drinking age is the cutoff for me assuming you live in the U. I would suggest against it. I've dated year old girls and there's nothing wrong with it.

Those didn't last long. My current girlfriend was 18 when we started dating I was 25 , and we've been together for 9 months now, she's 19, I'm 26 now. The fact that she's actually smart and mature about things is what made it different from the other girls her age. I still see places where she can grow confidence, responsibility, etc.. Dated with a 20 year old, and I'm 25 soon 26, she had her childish moments and point of view, not again that's for sure.. Yes you are too old. Imagine if it was your 18 year old sister or daughter with a 25 year old.

It's creepy, date girls your own age, not children. That's a broad generalization, and sure there are going to be couples with that sort of age gap who work out, but I personally find it unsettling. She's fresh out of high school, and he's several years past college age. There's probably going to be a significant gap in experience and maturity. My girlfriend and I live together with a 7 year age gap. Her father loves me because he knows and can tell I care as much about her as he does. But for me she was also the exception.