Dating a cancer woman astrology

The Cancer Woman is a moon maiden, her soul connected to the orb These ladies don't really date around – they might flirt wildly, but once.
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Cancers are supposedly small, although stature varies: Their faces tend to be round with broad foreheads and bright, clear eyes. Hair tends to be thin and light. Height, as mentioned above, can vary from short to tall. Cancer's homes are their nests. They like to have a place to return to for solitude after braving the public for any length of time.

They're not necessarily anti-social, but their homes are their dens, their nests, and they like having a place to call their own that produces a warm, calming effect. They tend to prefer home to going out on the town.

While Cancer's list of interests never seems to end, there are a few career choices that tend to make excellent matches for this sign:. Fluid like water, she is both peaceful and passionate. She is a tidal force of perplexing emotion, and can be stubborn, compliant, furious, and docile, all in the same hour. She is strong willed and persistent, but can sometimes be reserved, drawing away and into her own shell if disturbed or provoked. The Cancerian woman is sensitive — very sensitive — but not only to her needs, but to the needs of others, making her one of the most sympathetic and caring women of the Zodiac.

If you criticize her she may very well take it personally and it may not be forgotten! This is the first water sign of the zodiac and the Cancer woman is ruled by the Moon, endowing her with awesome intuition and imagination. Similarly, her unerring instinct will tell her at once if someone is to be trusted.

A Cancer woman is sympathetic and sensitive to others around her. This is due to her high intuition and deep emotions. Slowly, slowly, as the Italians say. For any Cancer woman, romance is part and parcel of love — the gifts, flowers, and love notes that form the traditional woo-and-win process are essential to her.

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The Cancer woman is slow to fall in love and refuses to be rushed. Once there, however, she is a devoted and protective lover.

Cancer Woman: Overview & Personality Traits

She can be hurt unintentionally, so her partner must be tactful and sensitive. It takes time for Cancerians to learn to trust another, and the crab is shy and reserved when it comes to matters of the heart. When in love, they are patient and will persevere in the face of any obstacle for the cause of true love. Possessing a high capacity to love, the Cancer woman makes an exceptional partner.

With the right person, she will toss caution to the wind and show you more adventure than you thought possible.

The Cancer Woman

The crab has a good instinct for who suits her best in relationships. Her idea of a perfect partner is someone who loves to snuggle on the couch together, watch television, and pour wine for her. Family and friends are high priority and her home environment is where she feels the most secure. Naturally maternal and domestic, the Cancer woman is the caregiver in her relationships.

She may sometimes wish for more equality, but lovingly accepts her role as giver. A Cancer woman does love being catered to by a lover, probably because she does so much caring for and pampering of others in her life. Relationships with Cancer women are usually steady and secure, but there may be the occasional slide into moodiness. Security and fidelity are the most important aspects of a relationship to the crab. She loves weepy movies, but when someone in trouble comes to her for help she will be as strong as a rock.

As deep and tempestuous as the sea, she can also be the calm bay, the gentle beach, always ready to help and nourish those she loves. Although she is easily moved to tears, Ms. She is tickled by the ridiculous and her laugh is infectious. Cancers like to mother everyone around them and are caring, thoughtful friends. There is something comforting about friendships with a Cancer woman, and you know she will be there looking after you should you ever need her.

Sex is a slow, sensual dance with the Cancer woman.


She needs to have an emotional connection with her partner. She will trust you to lead and if you unlock the right moves, she can tango with the best of them. Her hidden flamboyance and responsiveness may be surprising, but remember that still waters run deep in your Cancer lover. She loves seduction and sensual fantasies. She enjoys being made love to and is eager to learn. Sex is always attuned with love for her, and bedroom encounters with this water sign are usually pure liquid pleasure. Being a good judge of character and having sharp intuition, this woman is an excellent business person.

She is the quiet but competent worker to watch for. Most of the time, the Cancer woman handles money wisely. Keenly perceptive, she knows how to deal with people. Combine those two attributes and she will have no problem with careers in teaching, nursing, counseling, or journalism. The Cancer female is interested in home and hearth. She loves being around children and animals. She is highly creative, musical, and literate and also has killer business instincts. Other than being a mother to children or pets, the Cancerian woman has many options depending on her wide range of interest.

Naturally nurturing, she can be a pediatrician, veterinarian, or open a thriving daycare center.

Female Cancer Zodiac Sign Personality Traits and Tendencies

If she loves to read romantic novels she will find that her storytelling skills are worthy of being published. To cook is something she does almost as naturally as breathe — or eat — and she is able to whip up some scrumptious meals. Her love of history was probably cultivated back in grade school and it carries over to her choice of reading and viewing material. She could easily turn it into a career as an antiques dealer or interior designer as she loves to feather her nest.

Careers can be mom, musician, pediatrician, banker, chef or restaurant owner, psychic, antiques dealer, artist, sailor, historian, writer, and dancer. She is a natural saver who understands the value of money. To her, money equals security.

It also equals a home and even if she is living in a tiny apartment, she will scrimp and save to achieve her ultimate goal — proud homeowner. The Cancer woman is cautious about everything she does in her life and the handling of money is no exception. She is a shrewd investor and the goal of any financial planning is based on long-term stability. She does have her guilty pleasures, however, and will splurge now and again.

Wherever she is, she will make the place a home and it will be tremendously important to her. She will fill it with all the things that interest her, every wall with pictures of her nearest and dearest. Her home is her outward shell, the place she can retreat to when the world seems too big and threatening.

Her home will not just be her own sanctuary, but a sanctuary for all those she loves and she will be fiercely protective of it. She is equally protective of her children and knows how to make them feel secure. They usually remain close to her all their lives and always come home when they feel in need of love and care. Family and friends are equally important to her, and she will treat them just the same. One of the ways she expresses her love for her nearest and dearest is to feed them, and wonderful food will come from her kitchen.

Those she loves will always feel loved and protected and safe with her- she has that quality. Anyone with a highly emotional temperament can have a somewhat complicated health profile, and this may be the case with Cancer females. A Cancer woman loves her comfort food, sometimes too much.