Apostolic dating tips

Including pastoral advice in the decision making process is a wise thing for every saint of God to do.
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Most single people have an image of the kind of person that they want. The list of desirable traits probably includes items relating to looks, personality, goals and level of dedication to God. What often happens, however, is that…. In the case of serial dating, it has a destructive influence on both the serial dater as well as the people that he or she is dating. Number one is properly setting up your profile message. Why Are You Dating? While people in the world have their own dating agendas, we will focus on three of the reasons that many Apostolic people might give for why they are dating.

When an Apostolic begins to look for a life partner, he or she is — or should — look for someone who is also Apostolic. If you do not understand the reasons for this, that will be discussed in another article. This article focuses on a different question: This verse describes the maturity of relationship in the Family of God that is presently being restored to the Church by the Elijah Anointing.

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Watch this message to learn more about the Elijah Anointing here or visit rfiusa. There is nothing in Sacred Scripture that is not necessary for the believer to know and do. With this thought in mind, we should remember the wisdom of Proverbs To be in balance as a believer we must accept all the teaching of Scripture, not just the part that teaches us privilege but also responsibility. I believe it is fruit of the teaching we hear that is a result of the church leaders being shaped by the congregation instead of the church leaders shaping the congregation according to the complete teaching of Scripture.

Sadly, there are those church leaders that preach and teach only what people want to hear, thus they allow the congregation to shape them as leaders. With these thoughts in mind, I want to share a bit of warning to believers from Scripture that reveal three positions Christians must avoid in their journey with Christ.

The term implies that those who are not fully anchored to the Word of God will, like a ship at sea, drift and get lost in the darkness. Believers are admonished to be intentional in their moorings to Scripture, checking up on themselves to make sure we are holding fast to our confession of faith in Christ and living the life of a true follower who is always seeking to please God through obedience and service to His Kingdom.

Mature sons and daughters of Father God are always seeking to do those things that please Him. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him. Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. Here Jesus reveals to Peter what is happening in his life and what the outcome will be. He tells Peter that there is a spiritual warfare over his destiny and that Satan is trying to separate him from Jesus, who is his spiritual father and mentor.

This sifting is taken from the analogy of the Threshing Floor where the wheat was separated from the chaff prior to grinding for making bread. Every spiritual son and daughter will be sifted by the enemy. Satan is always trying to disconnect us from the sources that God has connected us to for our preparation and possession of blessing.

It happens in many ways as Satan uses his subtle schemes to derail us and destroy our destiny. Peter was listening to the voice of the adversary who was attempting to bring about his betrayal of Jesus, the spirit of Absalom is at work today as then. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for.

Pride is part of our inheritance from Adam in the sinful nature we are born with. The tendency to exalt ourselves must be dealt with by learning to wait upon the Lord under the guiding hand of eldership within the Local Church. There is such safety in spiritual covering, that is why the Lord set up the Local Church with apostolic government. As we grow in Christ, we may not yet see ourselves accurately, or discern the timing of the Lord.

Satan desires to lead every believer down the path he choose for himself, that is why we must follow the instructions Peter left for us in this Epistle. When we have been poisoned with pride we may feel that we know better than the seasoned leadership God placed in our lives, and may no longer follow their advice in a spirit of humility.

We can only be lifted up by God when we have refused to lift ourselves. Jesus was tempted to exalt himself when Satan suggested that he jump from the pinnacle of the temple and be rescued by angels. Jesus knew that the laws of gravity applied to him as well, even if he was the Son of God.

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He refused to bite the bait of self exultation. As the unofficial champion of Almighty God, he had a champion faith which enabled him to take out his adversary. You and I will need that kind of champion faith in these last days as well. This is be- cause Jesus said in Luke David had one thing on his mind and that was the fact that this was not just his enemy, but Goliath was defying Almighty God and therefore in deep trouble. David knew that God would need someone to use executing vengeance upon His enemy, so he stepped up to the plate and said it might as well be me.

What are some of the steps we can learn from David that will help us develop this championship faith as well? What made David different from all the rest of his contemporaries that brought him to his great destiny in God? First we should know that David was a youth, a mere boy of about 15 years.

David was not a time waster when it came to his spiritual life. Many people are unprepared for the day of opportunity because they have wasted so much time after becoming a believer. God is preparing you for the day of battle, because the day of battle is also the day of advancement! Did you ever wonder why you have had the seemingly tough training during your formative years as a Christian? This could be the reason; Satan will be there to defy you when it is time for promotion.

You will not get to your destiny without defeating the Goliath that stands in your way. You will need Championship faith in that hour. What four qualities did David develop that enabled him to win his big battle and breakthrough to destiny? Submission and obedience are implied in this message. We see David being faithful to duty at this time in his life.

Proven Wisdom for Building Strong Foundations in the Local Church

He was obeying the assignment his father had given him; to watch the sheep and to take lunch to his brothers on the battle front. It is important that believers learn to be faithful to duties in the local church right away and develop the ability to stay under authority and do a good job while there. Many people downplay this important part of preparation and roam about looking for opportunity that never comes. He learned to draw near to God through praise and worship allowing his heart to become tender to God.

This tenderheartedness is what caused him to be so grieved when he sinned, and to immediately seek restoration with the Lord. Many today have no grief over their sin, but continue in hardheartedness and denial of their wrongdoing. David also learned the key of covenant relationship while a youth. He understood that Goliath was an uncircumcised Philistine.

Pastoral Advice and Dating - Apostolic Singles Network

Circumcision was the entrance to covenant in Israel. No uncircumcised person could partake of the covenant blessings of God promised to the people. God is cutting away the flesh that hinders us from entering covenant with others that have been placed in our lives for further maturity and impartation. Have you allowed circumcision in your life at the hand of a skilled workman who takes the sword of the spirit delicately to those areas that need cut away? Lastly, David learned to speak the Word in faith when he faced the enemy.

6 Dating Standards for Apostolic Singles

And there was no sword in the hand of David. When we have learned these four indispensable traits, we will be ready to both defeat our adversary and move into promotion. The message of the hour is regarding the restoration of the Family of God as prophesied in Malachi 4: The purpose of Creation is the father heart of God. His desire is to give and receive love in relationship with mankind created in His Image.

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This was the effect of the Elijah Anointing being released in power and revelation. Spiritual fathers were being prepared to receive the spiritual sons whose hearts would soon be turning by the same Elijah Anointing to find the heart of love in a spiritual father who would serve their destiny and seek for their fulfillment in ministry. As a saint, the son has a holy heart free from the sinful habits Paul told Timothy to flee from, as a young apostle. We learn to serve by connecting to leaders in our lives who are set by God for our preparation.

I have noticed that many Christians have yet to arrive at the shepherds heart. Loyalty is Royalty in the Kingdom of God. When a son or daughter has been conformed to the Image of Christ they will be a representative person, able to re-present someone other than themselves.