Dating orrefors ariel

Overview of the most important signatures of Orrefors, enabling you to date and identify your Orrefors glass, including Ariel, Graal, Slipgraal, Kraka, Ravenna.
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Orrefors & Kosta: some identification notes

This is then enclosed by clear glass and it is heated again and blown into its final form and size. The Ariel technique has been widely used by a large amount of artists from mainly Orrefors but later also from other manufacturers. The most famous pieces are made by Lindstrand, Ohrstrom, Hald, and Lundin. Dating Orrefors Ariel Glass. History of Swedish Glass.

Collecting Orrefors Glass - Chatelaine's Antiques Collectibles and Appraisals Magazine

Our website is protected by DMC Firewall! Her famous giant-size apple vase of was of very simple form, the pale yellow glass shading upwards to a dark green opening.

Ariel vase by Ingeborg Lundin for Orrefors Sweden

However, Scandinavian glass is still not recognized by many for what it is, and smaller pieces might be found fairly cheaply at local auctions, smaller antiques fairs or even car boot sales. Because they were finished off in the furnace, pieces have a fluid look to them.

Collecting information

Very big, thick pieces of Graal were probably made in the s. Ariel glass has a bubbly look to it. At first, Ohrstrom used designs copied from Picasso drawings, then began to feature sea creatures and figures in underwater scenes well suited to the technique. Later patterns were abstract or simple stylized leaves.

Other Swedish Glassworks

The various forms of opalescent Orrefors glass include Kantara, which is light with wavy edges, and Selena, which is thicker and much more organic in shape. Ravenna is a heavy glass, often ed, and inlaid with simple patterns. Some pieces have a decided resemblance to stained glass, and are inlaid with richly jewelled colours.

Landberg's serpentine glass, made by laying spirals of coloured glass between thick walls of clear crystal, could be used to very delicate effect.

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The factory name, in script or capital letters, was engraved on the base of the piece, sometimes along with the designer's name, the design number and the type of glass. The date also appears on some pieces. Although this can he very helpful, the script often proves difficult to read; the inscriptions are invariably small and rather imperfectly done.

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Because of its clarity, any damage to Orrefors glass will show up clearly. Avoid any pieces that are cracked.

Orrefors glass

Rim chips on a particularly fine piece are acceptable if it's something you particularly want, but generally speaking, any faults found should be reflected in a severe reduction in price. Mauzy's Depression Glass by Barbara Mauzy. Kitchen Glassware of the Depression Years: Elegant Glassware of the Depression Era: Anchor Hocking's Fire-King and More: