Opinion by Daniel Friedman Jan 5, , am EST More on how Polygon writes opinion pieces. In Destiny, a raid group is a fireteam of six players. there is no in-game matchmaking for raids, which means players.
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If you already have a raid group who cares. If "all the bads" will use match making, then it clears up the player pool for everyone else. Literally no conceivable reason to exclude match making. LFG sites don't even promise quality. My anecdotal story is I've picked up enough LFG people saying they've cleared raids or know what they are doing and they turn out to be scrubs. I'm fine with a notice board or something for destiny 2, where you post your name and profile and people grab you that way or something.
More topics from this board Any quesrions from nrw players?
Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? I'm pretty excited for the new gear so I may need to run them a bit. The Business The Business 1 year ago 3 There will never be raid matchmaking. Flashfire34 Flashfire34 1 year ago 5 Don't you think people would have been all over this news if it was in the update? Cosmickadet Cosmickadet 1 year ago 8 auto-match making for Raids would totally destroy the purpose of the awesome Raids.
Resources for learning the King's Fall Raid. I had to make an account just because of this thread. This brings up an important point about the Iron Gjallarhorn — something of which everyone pre-ordering should be aware by now. Just in case, let me spell it out: The Iron Gjallarhorn will not be dropping on September 20th. Once complete, those Guardians who pre-ordered will receive both versions of the weapon, while those who did not while get only the classic skin. I think we can all agree with what Cotton is saying here — feeling powerful, having unique and meaningful gear and weapon options, and being able to change up ours looks so that we can show off our achievements are all important to the community and have been from the beginning.
I played The Division, a lot of us played it internally, and they did some really good things. Which is, first of all, making sure that running around different worlds, and moving around the worlds using your abilities and your expressions of power, is just amazing in Destiny. But also, I think how we continually deliver experiences. We talk about this a lot.
Real estate has to be really well thought out, so you really try to create experiences.
Everything is very… intentional. With any luck, future releases will be able to give us more of the best of both worlds. We put a lot of energy into making that new area on Earth feel different to anything in the Cosmodrome, and with landmarks that were compelling to player.
Destiny: Bungie Considering Raid Matchmaking
I want to go to that battle station! That bunker on that hill! The clan that I lead has led many guardians who did not think they could finish a hard raid to completion. I apologize as I did not check what console you are on before I wrote this as we are on ps4, but I would like to help you complete your moments of triumph.
I assure you my group is patient and understanding and you will have a great time. I still find it horrific that the only endgame activity that has matchmaking is Iron Banner. That there isn't a single PvE way to get to max light level with matchmaking is just sad. And in my opinion bad game design. What is worse is the seriously restricted ways to get a artifact. I've seen requests for MM on nightfall and CoE with some weight, but I've never seen a request for raid MM with some real weight behind it. Don't disguise your want as a community ask.
A raid is a social activity.
Will Destiny 2 Have Raid Matchmaking?
Being antisocial is a contraindication to social activities. Lfg in game yes. You would get no communication and all sorts of issues. Introduce in game lfg with proper pre raid lobbies. No matchmaking for raid. A way for in game lfg sure, but not matchmaking, hell not even optional matchmaking.
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- Bungie is sort of doing something about Destiny raid LFG.
- Was raid matchmaking added for the update? - Destiny Message Board for PlayStation 4 - GameFAQs.
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It just opens a whole new layer of sucky players being brought on without mics and cant communicate what they are doing to lose and complain its too hard. Best example of why this would not work is the division. Matchmaking is trash for endgame content. I used to think raid matchmaking would work, and I think it would in some cases cough cough, Crota's End , but It certainly would not work for kings fall.
There is just way too much communication required to successfully complete the raid, even at the easier parts like totems. With matchmaking, there is just always going to be that random that joins in without a mic and just does whatever he wants, like those people that always grab the sword in the mini crota tier 3 boss and just sit in the corner, ruining it for everyone. I do believe that they should implement matchmaking into the nightfall and Challenge of elders, but I think the raid requires too much communication and coordination for matchmade randoms.
If they put in matchmaking on the raids.
We would then see nothing but bitching about the raids being completely impossible to do, and how they need to be nerfed. Those who wanted to 5 man it or less would be screwed. I would rather do it with less people than have a random in, screwing it up for the rest of the team. An in-game LFG would be great.
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- Matchmaking for Raids(?) & Moments of Triumph Difficulties for Some > Destiny | Forums | arraya.co.
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Matchmaking would suck ass, and be a detriment to the whole process. You could always just create you own post On the recruitment section.