20 year old woman dating 17 year old guy

If it were a 20 year old guy posting that he was dating a 17 year old girl .they'd be screaming that he be taken before the judge for statutory.
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Mar 13, 3. Feb 22, Messages: Mar 13, 4.

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More like you're a 29 year old guy dating a 15 year old girl, am I right? Mar 13, 5. UNCHeels23 , Mar 13, Mar 13, 6. She will dump you soon. Mar 13, 7. Mar 13, 8. Sounds alright to me. Mar 13, 9. TheMachiavelli , Mar 13, Mar 13, She's cheating on you with older men. Goodfellas , Mar 13, Aomber , Mar 13, I'm weird about age, I wouldn't date someone more than two years older or younger than me. I know it is hard to understand this kind of relationships, but I believe you cant judge unless you are in our shoes.

No one has ever made me this happy.. And he has already begged me not to leave him just because his step mom is making our lives a misery. I would be irresonsible if I did not point out the folllowing: Love does not trump the law. Depending on your age, if your boyfriend or girlfriend is 17 years of age or younger, you could be committing statutory rape. This is a serious offense, punishable by law and including prison time. Statutory rape laws are based on the premise that anyone under the age of 18 is not yet mature enough to make an adult decision about sex.

The laws were created to protect minors, and when you are a parent, this becomes very important to you.

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The laws vary from state to state, so do your own research to determine whether or not you are at risk for prosecution. I totally understand and agree. That is why we have decided not to have sex until the time is right. He is turning 18 next month, but even then we will probably take it slowly.

This relationship is more than just sex.

I'm a 19 year old boy and i'm dating a 25 year old girl | IGN Boards

This is about the way we both make eachother feel. He is the most respectful, loving person I have ever met. My problem is dealing with my family and his, regarding us being together. I know this is still quite early on in the relationship, but I dont want to have to hide our feelings forever. Its so hard to accept that something so perfect could actually be so wrong for so many people.

But the possibility is always there and I wondered if it would be best to take things as slowly as possible. Good luck and be careful with your heart and your life. Reading all these comments brought tears to my eyes. I am 23 and dating a 17 year old.

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I dont care so much of his age now but i met him when I was 22 and he was 16 so i had to keep it under wraps for a long time. My parents adore him and i dont see a problem anymore as 17 is the legal age etc where i am. We have been together 7 months and I am the happiest and luckies girl alive. To all those older women out there worried of age. If you are happy thats all that matters and if you keep it low key until you feel its right then go for it. You only live once and as far as I am concerned age doesnt matter.

If its ok for a 17 year old girl to go out with a 23 year old man then its ok the other way around as far as i can see.


Its judgemental if ppl see it any other way. It doesnt matter what age the person you date there are chances and risks in life you have to take. Nothing is guaranteed… no matter what you may always end up hurt no matter the age…. Good luck with it all ladies — the toy boys are there to keep us young. I never thought that this could ever happen to me. One disapproves and the other understands. We both have very similar interests and in certain ways we both compliment each other.

I used to scorn almost illegal relationships of older women with teenage guys, especially those shown on the news. However, I never really thought about the possibility that maybe these people were really in love although it could be just an infatuation. I probably will start dating this guy, but sex will not be an option because of his age.

Even though we have very similar career interests, I feel that we might get separated along the way because of our age difference. But, I look younger than my age, so if we do go out, I could pass for Makes you feel better when you know there are other people out there in the same situation.

A 20 year old girl dating a 17 year old boy.

If anyone would like to talk about this please email me at ivynicole97 yahoo. Im 24yrs old and I am a single mother. When I met him he told me he was 20, bcuz I would have never gave him the time of day. He looks nothing close to 17 which made me not have a clue.

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When I met his mom 3months into our relationship I found out the Truth. It was too late by then. We were already in Love and had already had sex. His family excepts me as well as mine. He is a fine young man, respectful, intelligent and he want so much out of life. Honestly I feel insecure at times bcuz he is so much younger than me.

We have fun, we go out, we talk about everything. I just have problems with trust. Is this natrual ladies? I take hime 2 school, and pick him up.

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  8. He always tells me he loves me and he always shows me so much affection no matter who is around. So glad to know im not the only one!!!!!!!!!! If it was right or not.