Cherry Healey meets two single parents to talk about their experiences of dating.
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Cherry met her partner on Match , having tried all the other dating sites. Cherry admits that she relied on family and friends for childcare when she was dating.
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She found it hard enough begging for favours — but on a few occasions her date cancelled last-minute, making her feel even more guilty. Get to know them a bit first before meeting. Every single parent knows that looking after those little cherubs is a full-time job in itself, before even factoring in work, chores and your social life! X Liked this article? Register for free now at match. Keep these programmes coming, love them. Complain about this comment Comment number 1.
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Aghhhh all 3 programs were superb!!! Well doneee i loved all 3 of themm x Are you planning animore programs? I hope you do!!
You dont hold back on any questions and yuu very honest about your veiws on all 3 subjectsss x Wb x. Complain about this comment Comment number 2. Oh I loved this programme! Though it did make me feel glad I'm out of the dating game fingers crossed! The couple at the end looked so good together.
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And I love Cherry, she's spot on with the interviews. I hope more programmes will follow soon! Complain about this comment Comment number 3. I have just finished watching 'Cherry Goes Dating' and I fail to see what it has to do with the real life dating world. I am a 25 year old single girl with many single friends, and I could not relate to anyone featured in the show. I felt as though it was patronising towards single woman, and made us seem unhinged and desperate. Complain about this comment Comment number 4.
I totally agree with Claudia's comment above. Found the show condescending to all single woman. I am a 29 year old single lady and definitely do not relate to those interviewed on "Cherry goes Dating".
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Found it extremely embarrassing to watch. Complain about this comment Comment number 5. I too have just finished watching "Cherry goes Dating" which should probably be remnamed to "Smug Cherry goes Mocking". I have to agree with the comment by Claudia that the programme was most patronising towards singletons. Speaking for my friends and I, we all felt that the programme was a total misrepresentaion of the reality of a 30 something singleton.
It totally made single women appear totally unhinged self help addicts! Just for the record, this is far from the truth! Being three attractive, successful and intelligent women, my friends and I were all most annoyed at the totally inaccurate portrayal of the single world. I expected to watch something which explores the real realities of the single world. This programme was totally condescending and highly irritating. Cherry, no disrespect but probably not the right person for the job. You were right when you said at the start that you have no idea about the single world as u are married and have a hubbie!
With all due respect, this is highly disrespectful to the majority of the single ladies who choose to be single because they have a good life style and don't feel the need to settle for second best or just because of the biological clock, but rather would like to settle for the right match for them. There is nothing wrong with having standards, it doesn't make single people freaks or mean that they should be shunned for being single. The truth is that most people in relationships stay in unhappy relationships because they either have a fear of being alone or are not strong enough to get out of the unhappy relationship.
It takes a much stronger person to do admit their relationship is a sham and do something about than one who just stays with someone for the sake of it. The reality is that there are so many people out there married and having affairs. Perhaps Cherry should look at the extra marital affairs next time My friends and I were so mad after the programme that they urged me to comment on this on their behalf as well as my own!
What a total let down. Complain about this comment Comment number 6. Claudia , just because you couldnt relate to any of the girls doesnt mean its lyk dating in the real world all diffrent girls of diffrent coultures and from diffrent places have diffrent approaches to dating if cherry was to go arourd all the girls with diffrent dating methods it would take a million episodes!!!!! Complain about this comment Comment number 7. If I was a man - it would send me running! I agree with Claudia and Singlenotdesperate It's about time television took some responsibility for view the truth not just sensationism to put the viewings up!
Complain about this comment Comment number 8. Maybe the point was to show why some women find dating difficult Cherry started by asking why. Her case studies certainly gave some clues What took the biscuit for me was the one who was indignant at a put down from a guy set up for sacharine overload 14 feb, she was the one who was trying to make 5 contacts a week for 6 months for goodness sake! Quite why he didn't fall helplessly for her learning that he was the number 1 rosette winner I'm sure dumbfounded the watching nation.
Well, if not perhaps the watching poodles.
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- BBC - BBC Three - Blog: Cherry Goes Dating: My Dating Stories.
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- Cherry Goes Dating!
A hint of an answer as to why some women find the route to true romance elusive? One case study did find a match, arguably not just through physical chemistry but because of a positive, balanced and pro-active personality, and recognising some empathy with a guy rather than just defining what he should be like on a list or chart.
Cherry certainly proved herself ill-suited to solving these riddles. Difficult to avoid observing she's a very attractive woman and probably hasn't ever had to try particularly hard and that's given away in her top tips above, they are all about what to do on a date, not how to get one if you're struggling, she seems to assume guys will be queuing to ask, with a sympathetic nod to a gentle put-down for the ones that don't appeal.
Still, a bit surprising the programme couldn't muster something more meaningful for less fortunate sisters. And that has to have been the biggest weakness of the programme, even if it was designed exclusively for straight females, it utterly failed in considering what it feels like on the guy side. Even if the point was centuries of sexism deserve revenge and males should be treated like fodder, a bit more investigation of what the guys felt like could have helped these exceptional ladies understand how to bag their catch more effectively, so important in these desperately straitened times with so few men good enough to match up to the women available.
So if you haven't worked it out already, I'm male, modesty suggests I shouldn't guess how may "tick boxes" I satisfy major criteria on the programme , but Cherry I am very kind, really kind, and single for more than 10 years now, friends don't understand why blah blah. I was hoping Cherry Goes Dating would give me a bit better insight into what goes on in womens minds PS the ladies reacting above have done something to repair my view of women looking to date, OK I guess I wouldn't have taken the programme that seriously, but Claudia, Vannessa, singlenotdesperate, you may yet be the best hope of keeping single eligible guys from running a mile after watching - good for you!
Complain about this comment Comment number 9. Comment from a man here. I found this programme fascinating, but probably not necessarily very representative, but then it would be difficult with such a small sample. I think Cherry was trying to build an extreme case, to represent a wider truth. What I took away from this was the extent that careerist and consumerist values suffuse our lives to the extent that they can poison our personal lives.
Cherry Healey explores whether a `boob job´ will give...
I doubt that men would be exempt from this. The concept of consumer choice, and the schemes we devise for finding partners, mean we will only get what we want, not what we would never have thought of, and we live by the dreams implanted in us by our peers and the media. Love, above all things, is an art, and not a science. Complain about this comment Comment number I thought that Cherry goes dating was hilarious I only watched the last 10 mins and plan on watching the rest tonight and have told my girlfriends to watch as well.
Why that woman thought that surprising a man whom she had only met once was a good idea I will never know! My question is Where are her friends?
I would never allow a friend of mine to do that and if I ever got so desperate I would hope that my friends would slap me! Most of us single men and woman are searching for love albeit, via internet, speed dating, supermarkets and even by meeting someone naturally perish the thought! I have been guilty if using them all!
➤ᐅ➤ Cherry healey goes dating
It will happen when it happens! I've only watched Cherry Goes Dating and it hit home big time. I'm an MD not living in the UK, but considering a move. Where I am and my race, I'm considered very attractive, but have not had a boyfriend in the last 10 years. I get offers which to me are alittle'different' such as bustop offers, airport offers, grocery store offers One guy recently drove across the road, parked his car, got out and asked me out since he didn't know how else to 'find me.