Ymca dating policy

This handbook is a general guide to YMCA policies. It is not a . Therefore, an employee is expected to keep their colleagues up to date on what is happening.
Table of contents

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Like Us On Facebook. Subscribe to our Newsletter. Get the latest content first. Questions or comments will be addressed to the parent or child in a non-threatening manner. Any questionable marks or responses will be documented. Using, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs during working hours is prohibited. Smoking or use of tobacco in the presence of children or parents during working hours is prohibited. Using YMCA computers to access pornographic sites, send e-mails with sexual overtones or otherwise inappropriate messages, or develop online relationships is not allowed.

This includes babysitting, sleepovers, driving or riding in cars, and inviting children to their homes. Alcohol and drug use impact each individual differently, and determining whether an individual is incapacitated requires an individual determination. In evaluating whether a person was incapacitated for purposes of determining whether Consent was present, the University considers: If not, 2 Would a sober, reasonable person in the same situation have known that the other individual was incapacitated? Members of the University Community — University employees, students, contractors, vendors, customers, or visitors and anyone participating in a university sponsored activity.

Reporter — An individual who reports alleged prohibited conduct but who is not the individual who is alleged to have experienced the prohibited conduct. Respondent — The individual, individuals or group alleged to have engaged in conduct prohibited by this policy. Responsible Employees are mandatory reporters for purposes of this policy.

Responsible Employees are not required to report information disclosed 1 at public awareness events e. The University may provide information about Title IX rights and available resources at public awareness events, however, and Institutional Review Boards may, as they deem appropriate, require researchers to provide such information to all subjects of approved projects. With the exception of student employees, students are not mandatory reporters, but are encouraged to report suspected violations of this policy.

Retaliation — Adverse treatment of an individual because that individual opposed discrimination or harassment, made a complaint pursuant to this policy, or conducted or participated in an investigation conducted pursuant to this policy. Sexual Harassment — Unwanted conduct on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, whether actual or perceived.

This includes, but is not limited to:. Sexual Misconduct — A form of harassment on the basis of sex. Sexual Misconduct includes any of the following:. Nonconsensual sexual contact or attempts thereof: Any intentional non-penetrating sexual contact, whether with a body part or a foreign object, by one person upon another, performed without consent.

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Examples of sexual contact include:. Non-consensual sexual intercourse or attempts thereof: Vaginal or anal penetration by a penis, object, tongue or finger or mouth to genital or anal contact, no matter how slight the penetration or contact, in which one party has not given Consent, whether or not it is performed through force. Nonconsensual or abusive sexual behavior which does not fit within one of the other Sexual Misconduct definitions. Examples of sexual exploitation include, but are not limited to:.

Stalking — Stalking is a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear or substantial emotional distress. For the purpose of this definition, a course of conduct is defined as two or more incidents. Stalking behaviors may include, but are not limited to:.

Boise State University is committed to maintaining a working and learning environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and violence in which all Members of the University Community are treated with dignity and respect. The University strives to create an environment that supports, encourages and rewards career and educational advancement on the basis of ability and performance.

Accordingly, Boise State prohibits, to the extent permitted by applicable law, discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression and pregnancy.

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The University also prohibits sexual misconduct, domestic and dating abuse and violence, and stalking. General Responsibilities All Members of the University Community are responsible for following this policy to create a campus environment free from prohibited sex and gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence. The University expects all Members of the University Community to avoid any behavior or conduct that could reasonably be interpreted as sex or gender-based discrimination or harassment.

The Title IX Coordinator is also responsible for the periodic review and assessment of this policy and related policies and procedures.

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Responsible Employees who observe or otherwise become aware of sex or gender-based discrimination, harassment or other sexual misconduct that may violate this policy must report such conduct in accordance with this policy as soon as practical after learning of the potential violation.

All other Members of the University Community are encouraged to promptly report possible or actual violations of this policy. Confidential Resources will collect general aggregate data about potential violations of this policy including the nature and general location of the incidents.

Aggregate data must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator at the end of each semester. For more information, please see http: Members of the University Community must cooperate with the University in any investigation of allegations under this policy. In an emergency, call the Department of Public Safety at , activate a blue emergency phone on campus, or call Gender Equity Center — 2.

University Health Services — 3. University Counseling Services — Additional options for community based confidential resources in Boise and for other campus locations are listed in Appendix A. It is important to preserve evidence of any offense as it may be helpful when seeking a protection order or to prosecute the offender. Boise State has authority to investigate alleged violations of this policy:.

That occurred on or may have a continuing effect on campus; 2. That occurred in the context of an official Boise State University program or activity, regardless of location; 3. Where the Respondent is a student, member of the faculty, staff or an administrator of Boise State University.

Where the Respondent is affiliated with Boise State University but is not a student, faculty or staff member, procedures of the affiliated institution may apply to the investigation and disciplinary process.

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In addition, Boise State may take other actions such as providing interim measures or accommodations to protect the individual and the campus community. Complaints of conduct that may violate this policy should be filed through one of the following:. Title IX Coordinator at , or 2. By email to reportdiscrimination boisestate. EthicsPoint Hotline toll-free at or https: Reports to Law Enforcement. Any individual who believes they have been a victim of a crime is encouraged to report the crime to law enforcement.

Individuals can reach the Boise Police Department on campus by calling or may report anonymously by calling COPS or online at https: Be fully informed of and participate in all steps in the grievance process. Report conduct prohibited under this policy to local law enforcement but not file a complaint with the University. Report conduct prohibited under this policy to local law enforcement and file a complaint with the University.

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File a complaint only with the University and request that the University investigate the matter. File a complaint only with the University but request that the University not take any action other than to provide support services. If the University determines this to be the case, the Title IX Coordinator will notify the Complainant in advance of commencing a formal investigation. In such a case, the Complainant is not obligated to participate in the investigation.

If a Complainant elects not to participate, the University will assume the role of Complainant. When weighing requests not to commence a formal investigation, the Title IX Coordinator will consider a number of factors, including but not limited to:. Request that the Title IX Coordinator seek an informal resolution to a complaint. If a Complainant initially elects to participate in an informal resolution process, they retain the right to withdraw from the informal resolution process before it is complete and request a formal investigation. Have a complaint alleging a violation of this policy processed in accordance with this policy.

Have an equal opportunity to provide information, names of witnesses and other evidence to the investigator. Access University academic and support services and receive referrals to external support resources for example, the Employee Assistance Program. For additional information about support services, see Appendix B.

Request interim measures including but not limited to:. Academic accommodations, such as course withdrawals or incompletes.

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For University employees, work assignments, work schedule, supervisory responsibilities, or work location changes. When granted, interim measures will remain in place until: Request a review or modification of interim measures. Such requests should be submitted to the Title IX Coordinator at or reportdiscrimination boisestate. Be free from retaliation. Be informed in writing of the findings of fact and outcome of the complaint.