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- 9gag russian dating website - Mediazione Linguistica Perugia
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- 9GAG: why age is more than just a number when it comes to staying relevant
To me 9gag is a good example of how women have changed something on the internet, to make themselves seen and heard. Thanks for a very thorough description of 9gag. I also do a great work connecting your observation with the course, gender and the article on masculinity and geeks. Would love to have answers to your questions in the end of the blog entry. In a way I not even sure if I would call some of the things on 9gag memes, but others yes. Memes are usually humorous, rich of intertextuality refering to music, movies, characters etc , are somehow provocative for example between image and text.
Would be interesting to read research on gender and memes. You must be logged in to post a comment. The teacher of the course, Ann-Charlotte Palmgren, will post course information in the blog and students of the course will post blog entries about different aspects of internet culture and gender.
9gag russian dating website - Mediazione Linguistica Perugia
The aim of the course is to discuss and analyze internet culture, social media and gender from a feminist perspective. Through case studies the course examines how gender, sexuality, femininity and masculinity are constructed online in for example blogs, Facebook, Second Life, massively multiplayer online games such as World of Warcraft, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, hotornot. There must be more to life or Internet than this.
I think it really hit me one night when I sat in front of the computer and stared at an empty tab in Firefox. There I was, having the whole world at my fingertips, but I felt bored. And in the end, what does you gain from it? But it was time to throw my guilty pleasure out the door. The only reason I used to visit these kinds of blogs is simple, I was bored. But what if I drew a picture or read a book when I was bored? Or just did nothing at all, as an experiment? Nothing new here,move along, just another Instagramed photo of a Starbucks coffee!
I gotta be honest with you. Really hard in the beginning. They steal a lot of content from other sources too such as 4chan. While this is pretty common think Facebook, tumblr, reddit , 9gag try to claim memes and other content as their own whilst completely ignoring the original creators. That's the biggest problem have with 9gag. There are thousand of content regurgitators on the web but at least they don't claim they made it themselves.
I also have a problem with people on reddit kharmawhoring without linking to the source.
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But most content on reddit was created somewhere else, too, yet most redditors claim it as theirs. So how is 9gag that much worse? Kept doing retarded statuses like "I am le 9gagger"accompanying photos that had been on the front page of Advice Animals weeks ago. She was also into anime and couldn't stop telling everybody about whatever she was watching that day. So basically it was admin 9GAG accounts that were stealing reddit content, rather than automated bots. Which makes it worse, really. No I can't sorry it was a long time ago and the thing came from deep in the internet.
I had to look around to find its origin. It looked like a typical editorial political cartoon but the characters were gross stereotyping of scientists as ratty long-nosed jews and black girls and black girl dolls sambo-style blackface caricatures. It was trying to make a "point" about "reverse-racism" and was probably upvoted by simple-minded middleschoolers apparently the main audience for 9gag who were not sophisticated enough to recognize its deeply racist origins.
9GAG: why age is more than just a number when it comes to staying relevant
At least reddit has permanent urls, I think. Comments only exist on facebook I hate when websites try to trick you into promoting their dumbass site by forcing facebook integration to post a comment. Looking at you Huffington Post. Which would explain the incredibly lame content.
It's not just 12 yr olds. Plenty of college age people as well, although they're not usually very smart. They obviously aknowledge that they are showing content from 4chan, and they always mention the board the content is from.
I thought everyone knew a lot of stuff posted on reddit is from 4chan. No need to proof honestly. Further it's not so easy to study the 4chan as the content posted there doesn't last very long. Someone actually really did a good job documenting it two years ago when I joined, but basically, you know how imgur kinda piggy backs off of reddit?
It is basically a part of reddit and they work together very well. Well imagine if Imgure took images from the front page of reddit, stamped a "lol with us imgur. That is what 9gag is. I'm late but you may mean this. Not only is it really unfunny, but its mostly jokes that have been beaten to death over the years.
- 2014’s most popular memes;
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- what is the difference between dating and girlfriend.
- Why is 9gag hated on the all over the internet? : OutOfTheLoop!
- how long after a breakup can i start dating.
- Welcome to Reddit,;
Does that even make sense? There was a user here on reddit that did extensive research on the contents of 9gag being the stolen properties of other websites, primarily reddit. Because 9gag, totally unlike reddit steals content all the fucking time, and also totally unlike reddit promises to be super funny and actually isn't funny. The closest I can get with straight-up Reddit is my phone app, at one image a page, but easy scroll-thru.