Why do i keep dating narcissists

Leaving a relationship is always difficult and painful, and leaving one with a No one would choose to be in a relationship with a narcissist. But that struggle is now attracting people who know you are struggling and will.
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Is the courting really all about you or is it actually all on his terms? Is he trying to get to know you or simply trying to impress you? Is he trying to connect with you, or win you? You see, confident, grownup, relationship-minded men are over the childish ego-driven pursuit of women. They truly want to get to know you. How do you pull back that curtain? Stay grounded and aware of your needs and wants. When there is something you want, express it, damnit!

Or maybe ask him to change the time for the date, or call you at a certain time.

Ask him to share his feelings about something, or a couple childhood stories. For example, he might want to hang out with his friends, but not yours. He may only want to take you where he wants to go, when he wants go. He may not share his inner feelings and life experiences.

Why People are Attracted to Narcissists

With the exception of his accomplishments. He expects you to do favors for him, but somehow never can reciprocate. When you allow yourself to look, your so-called relationship is all about his world; you just live in it.? The last thing a narcissist wants is a woman who expects to have her needs met. So, be that woman. Ask for what you want and need and watch carefully No matter how charmed you are or how much fun he is, when deciding if he could be a possible partner, stay focused on your must-haves.

You want a man who is honest, reliable, and generous, right? You want to feel appreciated, respected and understood When he upsets you, does he always have a way to ultimately make it your fault and make you feel wrong? Does he discount things you say or things you want, because he claims to know better? Does he dominate conversation and turn the topic back to him? Are you feeling less-than with him?

Do you find yourself making excuses for your narcissistic man whenever you feel slighted or ignored? If you find your values are being compromised then cut it off, the sooner the better.

Six reasons you keep attracting narcissists - Life Coach Directory

I have coached hundreds of women who have survived falling in love with a narcissist. When I help them look back, each tells me that there were always signs they ignored and excuses they made. I suggest that you look now, and take action. Not yet clear on your grownup must-haves? Insist on going at your pace.


If a guy comes on strong and fast about what he can do for you, how much he a likes you and how it will be as a couple, take a step back. Love bombing is an attempt to influence a person by lavish demonstrations of attention and affection. It works because it feeds into our fantasy of being swept off our feet. Their charm and intensity can be intoxicating and make us feel so adored and taken care of. No matter how good it feels, this is NOT healthy courting. Love bombing has nothing to do with love. It has to do with him getting what HE wants by playing a game that he wants to win.

Keep both feet on the ground, go slow and let your head dominate your heart.

Why Narcissists are Attracted to People

When you suspect you are getting love bombed, pay close attention. But, when you do this with a narcissist, you will never be able to please them. They constantly change their mind and raise the bar about what they want - to keep you trying harder and harder and making you feel more of a failure. Initially, narcissists can make you feel like you have met your soul mate as they give you so much positive attention and approval. As soon as they know they have got you hooked, they start criticizing, judging and doing all they can to make you feel worthless. Someone needing approval then tries harder and harder to get their approval.

This may be an alcoholic, drug addict, gambler or someone else who is struggling with life. They do this to see if you are a caring, empathic person who is likely to become addicted to helping them. Having this belief will cause you to not be attracted to and reject anyone who loves and cares for you. When you transform your past traumas and limiting beliefs, you are able to find self-love and self-worth inside yourself and no longer need to give your power away trying to get love and self-worth from others. You are able to take care of yourself and put yourself first and say no to others when you need to.

When you can feel self-worth and self-love you are no longer attracted to controlling and abusive narcissistic behaviour. You start to attract caring and supportive people into your life. Find out more about narcissistic personality disorder , including the symptoms and causes, as well as treatment options that can help those with NPD build healthier relationships. Life Coach Directory is not responsible for the articles published by members. The views expressed are those of the member who wrote the article. She specializes in narcissistic abuse including emotional, physical and sexual abuse.

She can also help you find your soul mate and help with M. E, fibromyalgia and other health problems. Find out more at happiful. Are you a life coach, business coach or NLP practitioner?

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How To Stop Attracting Narcissists and Negative People Into Your Life