For your state the age of consent for sexual acts is Teems generally need to be over 18 before they can legally engage in sexual conduct.
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- Is a 22 year old guy and an 18 year old girl dating weird? | IGN Boards
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- Is it okay for a 15 year old to date a 22 year old?
In 16 years, he'll be some old guy. It's only a 7-year difference.
Is a 22 year old guy and an 18 year old girl dating weird? | IGN Boards
People wouldn't bat an eyelash if they found out a 40 year old was dating a 33 year old. The issue is now, not the future. No, taken from the Diagnositc and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the diagnoses is as follows. Or maybe he just likes her a lot. We don't know much about this situation or the people involved, so it isn't really fair to jump to conclusions. Though I think it would be extremely rare for a relationship like this to last, I am not opposed to it, provided that the older partner treats the younger partner with respect. Unfortunately, this often doesn't happen - hence the stigma associated with this dating scenario.
But don't generalize, and don't make unfounded accusations Well yes but if you have a 14 year old asking Gamespot if he should go out with a 7 year old then you know that something has gone horribly wrong.
If they like each other I suppose it's okay, although it is illegal Please Log In to post. This topic is locked from further discussion. MrLions Follow Forum Posts: Aquat1cF1sh Follow Forum Posts: Bah, love is love That guy is probably a dirt bag anyway.
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Silenthps Follow Forum Posts: It's ok for a year-old to date a year-old. But, it's not ok for a year-old to date a year-old.
Nope that's pretty wrong in my books. So a 22 year old should only be dating 18 and up. Montaya Follow Forum Posts: MrLions You need to kick that guys ass or something thats completely out of line.
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All in all, this probably isn't a smart idea. First time iv'e heard that hahah. Nicolas Follow Forum Posts: Nicolas Paedophilia is with girls who have not reached puberty.
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- Is it okay for a 15 year old to date a 22 year old? - Off-Topic Discussion - GameSpot!
Montaya You need to kick that guys ass or something thats completely out of line. Problem is hes my physically fit than me: Just tell her "break up with him,cause all he wants is to get in your pants? InsomniacZombie Follow Forum Posts: Pedophilia is associatied with all girls and boys who are minors, girls and boys who are to young to give legal consent and usually thats the age of 18 although in some states its 17 I meant the man is a pedophile.
And that isn't the same thing. He might even be a bear. Ravirr Follow Forum Posts: Math really does solve everything. Ravirr haha good equation. Do you know the guy personally? InsomniacZombie there is no such thing as a good double standard That only works for kids older then 14 though. SecondStranger , Nov 28, Nov 28, 9. Nov 28, Mar 29, Messages: ZimbabweBob , Nov 28, Feb 3, Messages: She's 18, it's legal, I think. I think the relationship is almost doomed to fail, since she is probably still in or just left high school, and you would be almost done with college.
Is it okay for a 15 year old to date a 22 year old?
That said, it isn't weird by social standards. Just probably not a great idea.
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- Is a 22 year old guy and an 18 year old girl dating weird?.
BHman , Nov 28, Sep 8, Messages: I'm 21 and I"m dating a 16 year old. Not weird at all.
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- 16 year old dating 23 year old? - The Student Room!
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Zachmo40 , Nov 28, Jan 25, Messages: Adariel , Nov 28, Feb 23, Messages: Tommy , Nov 28, Dec 7, Messages: Darbabolical , Nov 28, LeadTaco , Nov 28, JudgeRedemption , Nov 28, Aug 25, Messages: KillerNapalm , Nov 28, Is 21 and 16 even legal? Well, I don't know where you live so I can't comment. Its not weird at all, but will most likely not be that stable of a relationship. Komusha , Nov 28, The-Hitman1 , Nov 28, I loled at killzyou. NBAman , Nov 28, My dad was proud of me.
Nov 16, Messages: