Casual dating forum

But to walk around with "casual" on his forehead, invites some potential weirdness these days, commitmophobes, etc. Casual dating is just.
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The funniest thing is when a girl like that tells everyone that you are in relationship, when you had no idea you are in one.

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A smart girlfriend a doctor delusionally believes she's in a "relationship" with this guy. She gets a 1: I said it's clearly a booty call. She argued it was not. A not-as-smart girlfriend hairdresser dates a guy President of his own company for a few months, got a mega carat ring and is getting married in May. Hence, supports my favorite argument that accomplished men like to marry nurses, kindergarten teachers etc.

With the doctor, she will bust your nuts for every little problem if you actually married her. That's why I tell people I like "artists". IMO, the best combination is the hot chick who is smart enough to realize she can make way more as a trophy wife than in a real job, and chooses that as her career. A smart woman can also look up to a man and be appreciate and loving. It's just that a smart woman perhaps is not as easily impressed, as the hairdresser would be. So pretty much -- unless a man can fulfill the role of the notorious "Provider" he won't feel like a man?

So that's why men pick simple women over smart women? Because simple women need to be taken care of? That is goal numero uno!!. All men want this, but this sect of men want it even more badly. High end restaurateurs know this. If a successful woman wants an equally successful man, she will just have to get down on her knees and stroke his ego.

Or else he'll find some poorer woman who will. They want to be 1 and they want to swing their big dicks. I think you're confusing "intelligence" with emotional intelligence. Take a look at each of your girlfriends' relationship track record--who has dated more? I would wager that the hairdresser is more experienced i. Every "smart" girl I have ever dated has been relatively naive in terms of the relationship game.

The less intelligent and generally more physically attractive women I've been with are much sharper in this arena. They know how to play the game and keep you interested. Sure, the deep conversations with these girls are few and far between, but we have more fun and those relationships usually last longer. But I think it's more a function of the fact that we like nurturers, women who will give you a massage when you come home, making breakfast, waking me up in the morning with a bj--that type of thing.

More accomplished women tend to be more proud and thus less likely to fulfill this nurture role. Success has a way of giving you great pleasure in telling other people what to do--if you put two type-A personalities into a relationship the likelihood of clashing grows exponentially. The women who are all career driven are usually empty otherwise. They attribute so much of their self-worth to their career, they feel like that is so significant they don't need to put anything else on the table. So long as you contribute to the relationship, I couldn't give less of a fuck how much money you make.

Anyone can be greedy and ambitious.

"Casually Dating"

It doesn't do shit for me. If I wanted someone greedy, ambitious, and self-absorbed I'd masterbate while staring into the mirror every day. Emotional intelligence and a willingness to make your sig other happy are a premium Its always these girls who underestimate how quickly they can be replaced. Its ironic because they think that by over-acheiving in their career, they set themselves apart. But greed and hard-work are a dime-a-dozen and what MDR described is far more rare. I dated this chick in college, who was gorgeous and phi beta kappa now she is an ad pro in nyc , and because we both knew exactly what we wanted and thought we knew everything we argued and gave each other headaches for 2 years ironically, was quite the professional at playing men and the relationship game.

I guess this could be an indictment of me, but personally, but I couldn't really give two shits if a girlfriend intellectually challenges me, mainly i want her to look good, be decent at small talk, and generally go along with whatever it is I want to do.

That is quite enough. Simply put, men are simple creatures who want an uncomplicated woman. As I'm sure you know, this line of work creates enough stress for two lifetimes--the last thing men want is drama when we get home. Doesn't mean we need to fulfill the role of provider, but we definitely need to be wearing the pants in the relationship. I think women want to believe they are in control but not actually be in control--that's an ideal relationship dynamic.

All the thread confirms is that men are a contradiction. Men go for the simple hairdreser type chic because it's the cheaper and easier relationship. It's not that we're lazy.

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As I mentioned earlier, the hairdresser type knows how to play the game better than the average career woman. The simpler women tend to have more game--they play hard to get, they're more flirtatious, they don't want to have intense conversations every night, they'll surprise you one night by dressing up as a catholic school girl etc. Most career women simply lack the skills to land a career-oriented man. They think dress up is for "sluts" and tend to over-analyze everything "why were you looking at her ass?

Maybe we like having out ego's stroked a bit, we like the idea of a woman who looks up to us. It's the opposite of lazy: If it makes life easier to live, go ahead and fool yourself this is actually true: The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants. If this were reversed and a man "surprised" a woman one night and dressed up as a catholic school boy, it'd completely backfire.

We'd be convinced he's gay! Nah, I'm not goign to lie. I don't want to talk shop at home so I'd rather not date a banker although I have "casually dated" a banker girl. I just want a girl that's got a good personality, a little bit of ambition read: Oh, and really hot. Women want the same thing So what's the fuss about? But if I was a big success I would want a hot stupid bimbo not too stupid that she embarrasses me but stupid enough for it to be cute.

I would feel unworthy? I don't think I know many girls who weigh over , and those marginal twenty pounds are not going to go anyplace where they represent added value.

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I think the woman has even more fun than the man these situations. Men say women are complicated. I think men are complicated. I don't have a checklist either.

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Although, definitely agree on the more than one language bit. That's definitely a turn on. A man who doesn't know how to fix things. I'm amazed at how many alpha males are utterly useless in "life", yet brilliant in business.

How does that happen? Haha, its probably because men that are brilliant in business can afford to pay someone else to do the manual labor. This notion that a man should be doing handy work around the house is as antiquated as the idea that women shouldn't wear watches because there is a clock on the stove. Get over it, this is a new era in which men are allowed to call the doorman to have something in the apartment fixed.

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