Aquarius men and Leo women are karmic love partners in the zodiac for all the right reasons. For astrological signs, your best matches are frequently opposing.
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- Aquarius Man and Leo Woman
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- Leo Woman – Aquarius Man
- Aquarius Man And Leo Woman Compatibility In Bed And Love Life
I asked him why he stop holding me I enjoy being In your arms and youholding me and he started holding me again I enjoy thisrelationship and I love my aquaman I learned not to be so clingy but he doeslove to spend time with me We've known eachother for about a year, we met In a philosophy class. We didn't talk to eachother the entire first semester.
The second semester he talked to me about twoweeks In after realizing that that semester we had two classes together. Heseemed flirtatious and nice That Aquarian tendency to get to know everyonearound you I suppose. We'd proceed to not speak to each other after about everyother class, sometimes not for a couple of weeks at a time, almost out rightignoring each other.
But then we'd talk again and It would be fine. Usually I'dlet him Initiate the conversations. This has continued more or less for thelast seven months How do I know If he's romantically Interested? Or how do I make himromantically Interested? Are these guys secretly jealous? Or do they forget pretty mucheverything? Are they secretly Insecure like Leos? What's the best way to keep his Interest, make It romantic and gethim to date me?
They are also your best friend because they like to talk openly aboutanything and everything but not just you, but also to any female girls theymeet.
Aquarius Man and Leo Woman
They are very good at lying, denying even when they get caught. Even he cheatedon you for a year you wouldn't know.. Are any of you Leo females capable of spending more than 30 secondsalone with yourself and your thoughts? Do you constantly need to be sociallyengaged? THEN look at the reasons for Aquarian male "aloofness.
Two months ago I met a Leo girl the best person I haveever met but she have a boyfriend that's not really funny she says. Do I wait for her toslip so I can catch her or do should I make a move on her? Wow, after reading all of your posts I just had to share my story withyou all. I am a Leo girl, and my now ex was an Aquarius I was so happy with him I decidedto just give It my all In this relationship. So yeah that only lasted solong He sure was not ready to be In a serious relationship, that's were thelies began, trust Issues, flirtatious conversations with other women, evensexual, I mean everything almost every Leo girl has posted on here Is exactlywhat he did to me also.
Sooo with that said, I guess sooner or later an Aquarius will eventually dosomething to hurt you. But I am no one to say every single male Aquarius Is thesame This Is the second time Idated a Leo, the first time was a disaster because of one thing: My current relationship Is truly a blessing.
I never thought I could lovesomeone so much. We both learn a lot of things together philosophical stuff and It draws us together. I do compliment her a lot,but I have no problem doing so because she Is a wonderful beautiful woman.
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To answer the questions above, I would say that yes, we are secretly jealous,so It Is Important that you explain the nature of your relationships with othermales. He will care just as much If you are "cheating" mentally, but If you arecheating physically consider the relationship over, he probably will neverforgive you even If he says he has. We do remember a lot, but we don't holdpetty grudges, so If an argument Is over, let It be over and move on.
We arenot secretly Insecure, we are very confident In ourselves - do not mistake oursecret jealousy for Insecurity.
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I like what one other poster said about tellingthe Aquarius that you don't feel the love.. I can tell you that a simple "whereis the love? In closing, I would say that these two opposite signs have a deep attraction toone another, and If you do not let egos get In the way, you will have along-lasting and very passionate, but also easy-going relationship.
My Aquarian experience who happens to be a 4th cousin approached mewith this sick attraction I don't trust him He wants to meet half way and make passionate love toeach other I am thinking of never answering hiscalls again He confess his love for me daily and I as well. He wants to giveme the best of his world, spoil me but he says he must have me I havecaught him telling an untruth He has been going to prepare his taxes every week since tax season started I vision spendingromantic quality time with him I met an Aquarius last year I really did like him and he was fun to be aroundbut over time I never knew where I stood with him he would go for weeks withoutcalling me ,and there were a few lies what he told me In the end I decided Icouldn't really trust him ,and when I did see him It was In the company of hisfriends as I often thought I was a sort of trophy girlfriend for him to lookgood with he said he did like me but he never showed his feelings truly towardsme I decided to end It because as a Leo he didn't give me enough attention hewasn't caring enough I found him hard work to be around.
I am a Leo woman who has been dating an Aquarius man for the pastyear. I know that If you are reading this you are obviously not quite sure about thismatch and want some guidance or reassurance to know It will work out and If Ithas for others. As you can see from all these posts, It probably hasn't workedout for the majority of people, Including me.
Leo Woman – Aquarius Man
The problem Is that Leo and Aquarius see things fundamentally different. Aquawants a best friend but sees everyone as his friend, Leo needs lusty passionand more heartfelt declarations of love.
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- Aquarius Man Leo Woman Compatibility?
He will never give It. One time I justasked him how he felt about me, yes an awkward question but I'm not kidding Iwaited In total silence for 15 minutes for him to say something but he justcannot verbalize how he feels, they find emotion so alien to them, even thoughthey do have them. I was so attracted to and confused by my Aquarian from the get go I justcouldn't explain or adequately put It Into words how It felt but It must be likesomeone said above about being polar opposites and attracting each other likemagnets. We have been on and off all year, neither of us have been with any one else,neither of us want to be with any one else but It just does not seem to work.
The best time was before he went away for 2 months, we were not going out butwe were together and a couple In all but words, this Is how they prefer It- nolabel, no commitment, to feel free to disappear at a moments notice. I have myown Issues with commitment- Ie. It scares me and I have been the one who hasended It every time, out of fear of being hurt when you're getting too close.
I have learnt a lot about myself and I suppose It could workif you are both at an extreme level of maturity but I feel like I've wasted ayear of my life to be honest. He just got back from being away which didn't bother me at all and I thoughtmaybe we would have a new start but he still says he doesn't want to be In arelationship at this point In his life and that's fair enough but he doesn'tseem to realize that we already have a commitment to each other without evenwanting to or trying.
He wants us to stay 'special' friends, Ie.
Aquarius Man And Leo Woman Compatibility In Bed And Love Life
So I was ready to give It a go but he wants things to stayas they were, In no mans land. He tells me this and then he will tell me how hestarted crying when he realized he would die for me and that he fell for mewhen he first met me and loves me does not want anyone else I've decided to make a clean break from this relationship, finally, I hope.
Good luck to you I know you probably wont listen to me but this relationshipwill go nowhere fast, all my friends told me not to bother but I did anyway,It's up to you. I am a Leo woman married to a an Aquarius man for 18 years. Weseparated a few years ago due to problems In our marriage. He Is right, sex wasroutine, good but routine. I wanted Intimacy all he wanted was to get his freakon.
We didn't talk like we did when we were dating. After 2 years of counselingwe have the best relationship.
He Is the man I want to grow old with. He Isvery swweet, always tells me he loves me. Leo women there hasto be communication In order for the relationship to work. He Is still a loofsometimes I guess that Is his nature, but he snaps out of It so quickly andmakes It up by taking me to a nice dinner and bringing me flowers. Just theother day, there was a rose and a note In the windshield of my car at work. Iwas shocked he did that, that Is so not him. He says that Is the best thing he loves aboutour new relationship. Our talks, on how he feels I listen. I feel the same. The relationship could work If there Is a true love..
We are so In love with each other, we look like 2 school kids. Ourkids are happier than ever and I am so happy. Next year we are planning torenew our vows. I recently met an Aquarius male I am a Leo woman the bond wasinstant I have never felt so close to anyone In me entire life. I also havenever felt so comforted by any man ever. I told him that I realized he neededtime and space to maturely and compassionately end his relationship and that Iwould have patience.
I am so heartbroken I have never felt this way about anyoneever I guess all I can do Is follow the old adage 'if you love something let It go and If It comes back It was meant to be' I misshim soooo much and can't believe he would abandon me after swearing that hewould be there for me no matter what the future held!!! I am a Leo and have been with a aqua for 3 years!
And still feellost and don't understand anything!! And he says I am a drama queen how Is this so I am a Leo woman and have been with my aquaman going on 3 years. Itssuch an Internal battle for me.
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- Aquarius and Leo - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life.
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When we are together Its heaven on earth. The problem Is he works 2 jobs and raises his 3 kids thus havevery little time to see me. Maybe a couple of hours, usually at night, everyfew weeks. Every time Iget the nerve no cut him loose, I get one of those heaven on earth visits and Iam right back where I started.