Horrible online dating stories

What all the terrible rendezvous I've been on taught me about dating.
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What are your worst online dating stories? Okay so as I was first going through tinder I matched with this guy who seemed okay and decided to go on a date with him. He lived 30 minutes away from me and picked me up from my house, I figured we were eating because he suggested we get lunch somewhere in town so we didn't have to drive back 30 minutes, so I didn't eat before this. He picks me up and we drive to his apartment 30 minutes away and he asks if I want to go in for a bit before we go eat and I say lets just head to the restaurant now so we leave and he drives back to where I live and drives further past it.

I was like where are we going and he says he wants to drive around a bit before going because he isn't hungry. So we drive about 30 minutes past my house and he pulls over and tries to initiate a kiss, he pulls me into him and I just kind of hug him, it was this awkward 5 minute embrace of him trying to kiss me and me just turning my head and burying my face into his shoulders might I add he was super stinky so I suggest we turn around and go to the restaurant.

So that's another hour back to his house and he says let's go inside I'm not hungry yet. Then we go sit inside and he gets out his fucking guitar and starts playing music for me, which was terribly painful to listen to. I was hungry and hot and uncomfortable. Anyways about 30 minutes of listening to him play shitty music and moving to opposite couches as him every time he sat by me and visiting his awkward roommate I finally made up a lie about needing to go back home and we got in the car and he took me back to my house but had to drive around a bit and Try to kiss me again before actually taking me home.

I blocked him after that. I met up with a guy and we walked to the train station to go downtown and drink a few beers. He would humble brag about how much money he made and how big his house was. Then my shoe broke on the way to the train. So I walked barefoot in the city and into the bar.

We sat down and he smiled. It became very apparent why he smiled with his mouth shut in pictures Then as we were drinking a beer he pulled two phones out of his pocket when one of them rang. He had a rather strange quick conversation with someone. That's when it dawned on me. He made a lot of money because he was a drug dealer. I ran out of the bar the minute he went to the bathroom. I rode the train home with no shoes on and got stared at by everyone.

Yup the teeth gave me a clue too.

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No idea what the drug was though- but meth is a huge problem here. I had been chatting via email for three weeks with a guy who approached me on OKC. We went through the "get to know you" phase and agreed to meet for coffee and conversation.

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This was my very first online dating experience and I was extremely cautious. Everything went well, then he decided he wanted to talk more. We left the restaurant and each got into our own cars and he followed me to the very public shelterhouse in the local park, pulling in behind my car. We chatted in the shelterhouse for a while, then he complained that he was cold. He wanted me to go sit in his car with him so he could turn the heater on in the car. As soon as I shut the car door on my side and turned to him, he ripped the front of my blouse, jerked my bra down, and latched onto the fleshy part of my breast with his mouth like some huge lamprey.

I screamed and tried to push him away, but it only made it hurt worse. I finally got away from him, jumped out of the car, leaving my door open, counting on the few seconds it would take him to close it to give me a head start to escape.

10 Tinder Dates Gone Horribly Wrong

I tore through the park, but he was in hot pursuit. I tried everything I knew to lose him, but he stayed right behind me. I left the park and tried to lose him in the city to no avail. Back to the park, then I flew out a different entrance and finally lost him in city traffic. I am 65 years old, and he was My breast had an area that was about 6" in diameter and coal black for two solid weeks. It took a month for the bruises to finally fade away. I couldn't sleep for two weeks. My breasts are large, and the pressure of one against the other as I laid on my side hurt too much to sleep.

It took me 5 months to get up the nerve to meet someone again. But I'm so glad that I did. He's wonderful and we've been seeing each other for eight months now. I'm so sorry that happened!! I have a similar OKC story but I wasn't able to get away. I'm happy you found your wonderful partner and I hope that I'll be so lucky some day.

It's just so hard to trust again after something like that happens. It's not that I didn't trust men in general, but that I no longer trusted my instincts to make a good choice. I took three weeks to decide about him. Why would a man like that invest three weeks of his time just to do what he did? I hope you're okay and that you do try again. There's someone amazing out there for you. Guy was all over me the second time we met. It was very awkward And he clearly hadn't showered in a while. Never saw him again. The first and only time I decided to use Tinder I met the most toxic "fwb" ever.

We hit it off amazingly at first and had the best conversation out of all the guys I matched with. He asks to hang out that night and it seems fine because he asks to bring his friend and then suggested I bring a friend for his friend too. Long story short, we all end up at my apt and after his friend and my friend leave my friend left because my Tinder date kept hitting on her and she felt extremely uncomfortable I didn't react very well to it, even though he clearly heard and understood me when I refused to have sex without a condom yet he grabbed me and put his dick in me anyway I just kind of froze.

I was very drunk and terrified of all of the possible STIs that he might have just given me I didn't get anything from him ever.. He wouldn't stop until I answered. He scared me quite a bit I was afraid to block him even though I did later.. His family has a lot of money and has a well known name in the city I currently live in, and I was scared that if I was rude to him he'd do something to retaliate.

I tried telling him for weeks that I can't do casual fwb sex. He would dodge the question. After some words of consolation from me about how fucked up that experience must have been, she told me she made it up, and every other story she had told me that night, because she likes making up stories.

She wore mirrored wrap-around sun glasses.

A Treasury of the World's Worst Online Dating Stories

It was delicious, but he proceeded to pick out every single piece of fat from his mouth and made a pile of it on the side of his plate. He wanted to own thirty dogs. He had their names and breeds picked out already. The first is when I waited an hour outside at Harvard Square in late January because my date was in the North End buying pot not for me. Girl followed me on twitter. I suggested that he must really treasure his vegetable garden or something in order to put up with 2.

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  • He told me that when he bought his house, he hired a landscaper to tear everything out and replace it with gravel. He called me a hippie for growing my own vegetables.

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    I love TV, so I thought that was a good sign. Our server brought us a bread basket that my date grabbed three of four rolls from and then started playing weird games with. Like, she would scoop dough out of a roll, pound it into a little ball, and then put it back in the basket! She would then fill the little remaining crust-boat with olive oil, take a bite from it, and refill it. She never mentioned that prior to our meeting.

    My first words on our date were: When I asked what she was doing on a blind date when she was going to give birth in two weeks she said: The movie was one of those free movies-in-the-park, and it just so happened to be Spongebob Squarepants and the park was full of children. I hate Spongebob Squarepants. As we were sitting outside of the coffee shop enjoying some nice conversation he told me how he was working on writing some music. He then proceeded to sing, very loudly, his current endeavor in song writing.

    It was about killing unicorns and no he was not being ironic. In line, we ran into an old coworker of his, they chatted.

    What are your worst online dating stories? : AskWomen

    I was completely stunned! He asked me what I do creatively and I told him succinctly that I obsessively document everything. Finally, I tell him that I have had a really rough week, a friend had passed away and work was really stressful, and apologize for being subdued. A girl at another table facing me, clearly on a date herself, was shooting me Class 5 sympathy looks.

    Also, the things he liked, like computer science and entrepreneurship, were not things I liked. Unfortunately, by the time we got to the park, it was about to start raining, so we were pretty much stuck underneath this little shelter in the park waiting for the storm to blow over. It was here that I realized three crucial things: It was a bad situation. Luckily, the rain let up eventually, and he showed me how to get to the subway, and I escaped, my heart pounding.

    And the moral is: It was was also her last communication before she admitted that she was still in the middle of something with a boy and would I kindly not contact her again. So I check this guy and he seems really nice, but he has a kid, which is on my list of deal-breakers. Sorry, and good luck!