Chronic illness dating site uk disabled dating - your ultimate source for finding disabled and handicapped online dates and singles looking for online personals.
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Victor Maalouf , Apr 19, Don't like the idea of meeting through same illness. I would hate to date someone with M. Are there other illness specific dating sites around? Empty , Apr 19, Cort , Apr 19, I don't know the details and have emailed her to ask about the group. It might be this: Merry , Apr 19, Here's the thing with me.

Why would I want a relationship with someone who's sick?

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Double the mess, double the laundry, double the BO. Rachel Riggs and Empty like this.

A Dating / Get Together Site for ME/CFS and FM ?

I've wondered if it's easier living alone and having to deal with a lot, transportation, insurance etc vs having help but then having someone in your space all the time. I just meant no one comes without baggage, I have plenty. So i just don't have it to give to someone else and help them with their stuff. It'd be one thing if I was in a relationship with someone before I got sick but to start a new one? I have a hard enough time reconnecting with friends from HS who at least know me to some extent.

Im exhausted even thinking about this LOL.

Explore Health

You must log in or sign up to reply here. Similar Threads - Dating Together Site. Are They Worth It? Cort , Mar 28, , in forum: Judged on my own merit not on my backstory. Friendships born from that place would be a bonus, I thought.

Chronic illness dating site uk

I met a few interesting peeps from all over the world. Intermittent chatting, curiosity and questions. But enjoyable and therapeutic nonetheless. I must say, it felt really good to be viewed in a new light.

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It suddenly felt like a level playing field. Even liberating for a mo. My personality began to stretch its wings. And I was feeling hopeful that I could once again fly.

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A couple of weeks ago, I noticed a profile that caught my attention immediately. I was a little taken aback by its synergy with my own life mission and sentiments. I said hello and a lively conversation soon followed. But this was my kind of human. Potentially a great friend indeed. After a few days, his inquiry turned to my personal story. That night I sleep barely a wink. Nothing I had written or shared was untruthful.

I spoke from the heart and meant every word.

5 Things NOT to do While Dating Someone with Chronic Illness!/S1E15

I was me in every way I could be. But now the moment required I share more. If I shared my identity, it would be a whole two seconds before everything was out there on the table. My personal journey through illness. With a digital footprint revolving around this topic. Some people will never see me for who I am because they get stuck on appearances. I have experienced that before.

So I was afraid if I shared my whole story with this person I had just met via the online dating website, that would be all they would see in me. It was with absolute clarity that I knew. This was a life defining moment. Every person that enters our life provides us with opportunities to go to the next level of our personal evolution. They can be a mirror reflecting wounds that need healing, a catalyst for new realizations or a reminder to honor our boundaries or reaffirm the soul based contracts we have made with ourselves, especially those that serve as testaments of self-respect and self-love.

Part of me wanted to shrink back into mediocrity, play it safe. But the timing of the Universe is always perfect. Each lesson, always divinely orchestrated. So now I had to walk the walk. I had to rise up and own my story. I had to be myself and trust that everything would be ok. More than one person has broken up with me due to my health status in the past. Many life long friends have disappeared into the distance too. For the longest of times, I believed that no one would ever love me or want me in their life because of my health challenges or what I was going through.

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