My last bf was 21 and I was 17 going on 18 at the time, you can hardly tell the age difference . 16 is the legal age to bonk and you're both over.
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- My Son Is Dating a Minor: Should I Be Worried About the Legal Implications?
- My Son Is Dating a Minor | CRC Health Group
- Washington Age of Consent
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My Son Is Dating a Minor: Should I Be Worried About the Legal Implications?
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Students reveal all here Start new discussion Reply. What do you think about a 16 year old dating an 18 year old? Follow 2 Follow 3 Two years difference, nothing wrong there. Follow 4 I've heard of worse. Follow 5 Sternumator Follow 9 followers 17 badges Send a private message to Sternumator.
Follow 6 Follow 7 Nothing's wrong with that Cariie Follow 8 followers 1 badge Send a private message to Cariie.
My Son Is Dating a Minor | CRC Health Group
Follow 8 Original post by Anonymous What do you think about a 16 year old dating an 18 year old? Rape and sexual assault can occur within relationships.
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If this situation rings bells for you, then maybe you are experiencing domestic abuse. The Legal Age of Consent The law says that everyone must be aged 16 before they can have sex.
Washington Age of Consent
You are responsible for your behaviour and would be committing an offence if you have sex with someone aged under 16, even if you met them in a bar or club for overs. Sexual activity is illegal under any circumstances for under year olds. There are several exceptions to this rule, discussed below.
The age of consent laws in the state of Washington are pertinent to both heterosexual and homosexual activity. According to Washington law, "consent" means that at the time of the act of sexual intercourse or sexual contact there are actual words or conduct indicating freely given agreement to have sexual intercourse or sexual contact.
Study tools and advice
There are several exceptions where 16 year olds may not be able to consent to sexual activity. These are as follows:. Many states have laws allowing minors to consent to sexual activity with a person who is close in age to them, although they are below the age of consent.
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- Washington Age of Consent | LegalMatch Law Library;
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- What is the Age of Consent for Sex in Washington?.
- 16 dating an 18 year old? - The Student Room;
Washington does not have a Romeo and Juliet law, so it is still unlawful for someone under the age of 16 to engage in sexual activity with someone slightly older. For example, if one person who is two months shy of 16 engages in sexual activity with someone who has been 16 for two month, this technically still violates the law. There is an exception to this, whereby the parties, if close in age, may lawfully engage in sexual activity if they are married. As you can see from above, the trend for the exception is that the individuals involved are married.
If you are not legally married and engage in sexual activity, then you will not be protected by the close in age exemption.