Dating my tattoo artist

The ups and downs of dating a tattoo artist and why it's worth But my man, typically, stays strong and professional, and will usually work with.
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Tattoo artists are just like any other artist—their work is their life. They focus their feelings — whether frustrations or excitements—into their work. They can become engrossed, obsessed, and even a little temperamental, at times. And everything becomes about the work…. When you begin a relationship with an artist—whether a tattoo artist, street artist, or any other format—you have to understand this: The art comes first. For some of us, this means having to learn to step back and understand that they may just need time to work alone, in peace, in order to process something that has happened in their life.

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Sometimes, inspiration can strike at the spur of a moment, causing them to disappear into their studio, their shop, or whatever space they might be using to create their work. You never know until you get into a piece how long it is truly going to take. On occasion, the client may have an extremely low pain tolerance, leading to them having to take frequent breaks to rest and recoup. Most tattoo shops also have crazy hours. Think about it, when do you see most people in movies and tv getting tattoos? In fact, my entire social life revolves around the shop these days.

Things to Know While Dating a Tattoo Artist—Five Years In

The biggest that I have found after five years is not something you would expect. The main issue that I have with this man is the way he volunteers himself to be taken advantage of. Someone is always looking for a free tattoo, or a twenty dollar tattoo, not taking into account the cost of supplies, or the fact that only the owner of a shop gets to take home the full amount he charges you, and even then he has to pay for rent, electric, and all the other things that make a shop run. Watching someone you love lower his price to the point of accepting what you know is too low for what they have to offer only to please a customer is enraging.

You feel that they are being taken advantage of and that they should have fought to keep the price at what they know their work is worth. It will take everything in you not to shake the customer to try to make them realize the amount of work it takes to make a tattoo beautiful and vibrant, especially if the artist you are dating has real talent, as I have been so lucky to find.

But you cannot do that. You will have to sit idly by and watch as your man or woman constantly gets beaten down by customers, society, and sadly, other artists. Some customers will complain no matter what the cost of the tattoo, some even get rude. But my man, typically, stays strong and professional, and will usually work with people with good attitudes.

But even then, you as their support and cheering squad will not feel that they have been done right. You will feel as if they are being taken advantage of even though they truly do have final say-so on their price, and can say no if they chose to. You have to realize what your man or woman is doing. When Jesse prices his work he does his best to keep it as low as possible.

He also enjoys too much the pleasure he gets when he realizes how happy he has made someone. Believe me, when someone cries tears of joy over the work that your significant other just did for them, whether it was a memorial or whatever, you will understand why the good artists are willing to haggle a little bit, and it will fill you with pride in your lover. But even when he is almost cutting his own throat, there are still people who want to cut him down further. When I see this, my blood boils. A good artist that is more concerned with your ink than he is his next dollar is a good artist indeed, and instead of taking advantage of that, respect it.

Twenty is not acceptable for any tattoo, no matter how small simply due to the cost of supplies. Now that that is out of my system, there were a lot of comments on my last article that involved infidelity and a lot of trust issues. This is something that I would appreciate comments on. My opinion was posted clearly in my comment responding to the post, and I will add it here as well.

Even if the man does not feel any sexual attraction to the aforementioned woman, it will still raise too many issues. I know that most tattoo artists are men; in fact, there is a great shortage in female artists that are truly worth their salt. I want to address this clearly because I have seen it happen over and over. Men seem to be worse at accepting the terms of dating a tattoo artist than any female I have seen.

Somewhere along the line, men got it into their heads that a woman cannot be hit on without having her big man around to protect her. Men assume that if a man is good-looking and starts coming on to a woman, that the little woman is just not going to be able to resist temptation. Since a tattoo shop consists of mostly men, a sole female in the mix becomes the center of attention, which tends to drive any sort of relationship into the ground.

So to the men who want to date a female artist: Grow a pair, please. Realize that yes, she is going to be hit on just as much as, and sometimes more than, her male counterparts. It does not mean that she is going to be falling for the rugged artist in the next booth, or for one of her clients. Tell me your story. But you will not be able to deny that both articles, whether you laughed or took them seriously, have good points.

Questions & Answers

Being with a tattoo artist can be very lonely, enraging, and may feel like a never ending road of what-ifs, whys, and whatevers. I have trust that my man is not in his tattoo chair humping some young thing into oblivion. I know when he comes home at 3 am and tells me his back hurts from tattooing that he is telling the truth.

Disaster - Face Tattoo After First Date

It took me five years. It took me crying every time I cooked for hours and no one ate it, and it took many fights over phone calls not returned for us to get to where we are. Break ups are high in this field because no one does the work for it.

  • when did bart and geo start dating?
  • After Five Years, This Is What I Have to Say . . .;
  • Dating a tattoo artist? | Yahoo Answers.
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  • The Life of a Tattoo Shop Wife;

As soon as it gets hard, people run. As soon as the puppy phase is over, and fighting starts people turn and run. We chose to fight for what we knew we had. But we get over it, we make up, and when it really comes down to it, we know we can trust each other. Every day I struggle with the issues his job brings, with biting my tongue over ungrateful customers, and with believing stories that would seem ludicrous if it was anyone but him telling them.

Not everyone can live the life I live, and not everyone can handle the style of relationship that a tattoo artist brings to the table. If it breaks you down, get out.

If it makes you feel low, run. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. To all of you saying that tattoo artists cheat and yoi should not date them Your man doesnt have to ve a tattoo artist to cheat on you. He can tell you im going to church and go cheat on you. A tattoo artist is like a doctor. He sees clients sometime some certain areas but it is all about trust. I have been dating my man for 7 months now. I dont get jealous much to be honest. I do get stomach aches when i he tells me he has to tatto a womans butt or what so ever.