Can anyone suggest to me any dating sim games for GBA? Other consoles would be fine too, GBA and PC are most wanted. NO HENTAI.
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The Sims 2
Mar 14, 2. TheBubbling-Flower23 , Mar 14, Feb 2, Messages: Mar 14, 3. Sep 4, Messages: Mar 14, 4. Superstar Saga Final Fantasy any of them. AvikaW , Mar 14, May 24, Messages: Mar 15, 5. Nov 10, Messages: Mar 15, 6. Nov 11, Messages: Mar 15, 7. Kawnhr , Mar 15, Mar 18, 8.
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IamtheKingofHearts , Mar 18, Jan 25, Messages: Mar 20, 9. Feb 8, Messages: Mar 23, GutBean , Mar 23, Mar 12, Messages: Mar 24, Mar 27, For the record Zelda is not an RPG. Adventures of Link qualifies. Uh, actually it is an RPG. It is not, however, a turn-based RPG.
May 29, Messages: Mar 28, He's obviously not a virginal virgin. In fact, when you say something subtly dirty to him, like, "How about you study my form?
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And what, after your impromptu kiss with him, what is he going to do if you later kiss Dusty Hogg? Is he, skinny little art professor, going to confront Dusty Hogg, a giant biker built like a giant biker? Or is he going to give any lip to Giuseppi Mezzoalto, who might guillotine him in his sleep and make off with his art collection? The only negative we can say is the enforced heteronormativity. As the female player character, you can request a kiss from every man, even your uncle eek!
The male player character has the opposite predicament. We can't be too mad at this game for this, because this was before The Sims 2 , which famously is like the first game ever for the gays. It was groundbreaking and earth-shattering at the time for it to just have formally recognized unions for homosexual characters in the game, and for it to have these relationships just happen, and for this just to be there, and possible, and accepted, and all is good.
This sort of feature was unheard of before The Sims 2. You might have a game with a gay-coded character as a joke, or something, but by the time of The Sims 3 , the Sims had complete, wonderful, peaceful marriage equality, present in a video game before there even was marriage equality in the country where the game was developed. We have The Sims games to thank for us even thinking that it is a shame that we can't be bisexual in The Sims: Bustin' Out , because before The Sims 2 , it would be beyond our imagination to even expect to see something like that in a AAA game.
So, overall, thank you, Maxis, and we understand if you were still fighting that battle with EA while The Sims: Bustin' Out was being made. We can just be happy at the arm-twisting you must have done to get so much kink included in this game. We played as the female character, and we were extra glad that we did, because the male characters that you can date are highly interesting, and you can have intense kinky flirting with them.
There's the cop, and the doctor, and the thief, and the biker, and the art teacher, and the paperboy But we wondered if it would be as interesting if you could only date the female characters, who are notably fewer in number and not quite as varied.
Gba dating sims - Came srl
Most interesting is probably Vera Vex, the rockstar. But apart from her, there's the poet, and the librarian, and the politician, and the party girl They're generally more vanilla and normal than dating the cop, the doctor, the thief, and the biker.
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So we started playing as the male character, and we'll see. Yet it definitely is a different experience. For comparison, as the female character, within the first few minutes of play, we encountered references to handcuffs, leather, and bear hugs. Starting up a new game as the male character Besides, there's fewer female characters, and you get to meet even fewer of them at the very beginning, so the flirting aspect of the game is a bit less advertised when playing as a male character. But, anyway, except for the limitation of compulsory heterosexuality, we are otherwise free to be the town whore for the summer.
Seriously though, you're not really a whore, because you don't make money at that. The primary way to make money in this game is to work eight jobs. Seriously, that's literally how you do it. Throughout the course of the game, you unlock these minigames that you can play if you go to the right place at the right time. The first one you gain access to is the lawnmower game, in which you're driving your uncle's tractor and mowing the grass while attempting to avoid the flowers. You earn money per clump of weeds mowed, and lose money per lovely flowerbush shredded away. It was fun, and it introduced how to steer a vehicle, which later will become essential once you get the scooter, which pilots exactly the same.
From a game design perspective, it's brilliant. It lets you get over the initial frustration of learning a new control scheme in a silly game scenario in which you're even making money, and then, later, when you get the scooter, you don't have to learn, because you already have learned. Which means you are less likely to not get it, and ignore the scooter and run everywhere which, as Dusty Hogg points out, is simply unfeasible.
Later, you unlock more different kind of games, which you can access at different times of the day and night, so, no matter what time it is, there's always something to do. Some of these minigames are actually pretty in-depth, and even require some strategery. Soon, Dusty Hogg sets you up with the bartending gig, and you must serve the whole gang of rowdy bikers their root beer, soft drinks, and sundaes teehee. But you can't just hand them the drink, no way! You have to do the cool bartender thing of sliding the drink down the length of the wet bar, so that it comes to rest on their coaster.
The bikers signal their order with the symbol on their coaster, and you aim and decide how powerfully to slide, and let the drink go bouncing down the bar and hopefully have it land close enough to the right coaster to get a tip and without crashing into the wall at the end. If you have the wrong order stop in front of the wrong biker, sometimes they'll be a good sport and enjoy the wrong-soft-drink anyway. Other times, they'll smash the wrong-soft-drink and once again demand their proper sundae, with the little umbrella and the nuts on top, grr!
The mental image this creates is hilarious. Initially, you will be making way less money at this game than at the lawn mowing, but we enjoyed it more because it required a bit more thinking and planning than just crashing through all the plants with the mower and whoops, there go the petunias. It's also a good thing that these minigames are unlocked progressively through the course of the game.
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This means that throughout the plot, there will keep being a new game to try, and not that you keep playing the same 8 mini-games over and over from the beginning of the game. You also can level up at the games, which can add some new twists to the game play and lets you earn more money. This is most notable in the fishing mini-game. This is another strategery-based one, in which you are given three different types of lures, which can catch fish at three different depths.
You aim just like in the bartending game, and determine the strength of your cast just like the strength of slinging a rootbeer down the bar. The main mechanic of this game is to determine which is the best fish to aim for, since you can see their silhouettes and guess which one is the biggest -- and the bigger catches earn you more money. This is not as easy as it sounds, since the deeper fish might be larger than they appear, and the shallower fish might be smaller than they appear -- tricks of the perspective.
Also, if you are aiming for a big fish that is right next to a small fish, the small fish can move faster and might get the lure before the big fish, and so you are stuck catching just the small fry. And if you are aiming a large but far away fish, you need to account that it will be harder to reel in successfully. This is how the game basically works. But then it levels. In the beginning, there are only small fry.
Later you will unlock a bigger fish a bass? Later on, you will unlock swordfish, which are huge and they stab up toward you as you attempt to reel them in, yikes! They are not only sharks, but get a unique soundtrack, which is as close as you can legally get without being sued by Jaws. So not only is there the entire game with the in-depth set-up, but you are also rewarded with more and cooler fish to catch and even new music. The variety of minigames is pretty good. There's even a Game-Boy-Advance-appropriate version of Guitar Hero, a puzzle game of popping matched-colored microbes, a diving game, and a very challenging pizza-building Breakout of whatever the hell is going on in that pizzeria.
As a certified Italian, Rosy can testify that making pizza from scratch, as she does, is easier than playing this minigame. We're not even sure what other toppings can be unlocked, since we only got to the mushrooms!
It's nice that this minigame also provides insight into all the characters, because absolutely no one in SimValley will tolerate anchovies on a pizza, not even Olde Salty or the fisherman O. Phil McClean -- we guess they like fish, but absolutely not on pizza. Another thing you can do in this game is adopt pets. Unlike The Sims for the PC, which have the entire mess of the expansions, features being removed from the main game and put as expansions, and by now you can't even turn on the game without getting bombarded with ads Bustin' Out features pets, directly in it, without anything extra needed for it.
You just go to the pet store, and you can get a dog, a cat, and even a miniature llama. So, seeing that, we did the obvious thing and bought a cat. We brought our new cat to the clocktower, where it lived and pissed. We thought that we needed a litterbox or something, but no, there's no litterbox, so your cat has to piss all over the floor. And you have to clean after it. We accepted that, because the cat was just so dang cute that we would let him piss on our head.
But then, we moved to the waterfront villa, and we started to have problems. While the clocktower apartment is up a story, the waterfront villa is on the ground floor, and has a backyard. While you are inside the villa, you can see a little of the backyard, but what you see is not the actual backyard that you'd see if you walk outside, but a sort of inaccessible limbo backyard, which exists for cosmetic reasons. However, as we all know, cats are able to wander into limbo.