If you're attracted to fat women but date thin women as a cover, that's just as screwed up as using people to fake your sexuality - it will hurt.
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- ‘I’m a person, not a fetish’ – This is what it’s like to be a fat woman dating in 2018
- 19 Reasons Why People Refuse To Date Someone Overweight
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They're okay with banging a fat girl, but they don't want to hang out with her - someone might judge them for it. As fat women, we're forced to develop a thick skin because people already feel that it's their right to say anything to us. We're tough enough to handle it, but some men's egos are just too fragile, and they crumble.
It's one thing if you're not into fat women - everyone has their preferences and not every body type appeals to everyone. But if you find larger women hot and you want to have sex with them but don't want to be associated in public with them, then that's emotionally abusive. If you're attracted to fat women but date thin women as a cover, that's just as screwed up as using people to fake your sexuality - it will hurt everyone involved. I knew a gay guy who hadn't come out to his family, so to keep his facade as a straight person, he'd date very conservative Christian women Christian so that they wouldn't expect him to sleep with them.
He didn't think he was doing anything wrong by dating them, but, in fact, he was using them and lying to himself. Everyone should have the freedom to express their desires openly as long as there's consent from both parties. If a fat woman wants a purely sexual relationship, that's great, but it shouldn't be her only option.
Some guys think that they're doing a fat woman a favour just by having sex with her - that we're beyond grateful for any attention whatsoever. Because we're fat, we're willing to do almost anything with anyone, and that there are no limits to what we'll do to please you. Don't tell me you're looking for a relationship, or act like we're in one, when all you really want is to experience what sex with a fat woman is like. I'll tell you what it's like: It's as amazing and fun as having sex with anyone who's into having sex with you.
We don't have magic vaginas, and our breasts don't do any special tricks - well besides the usual, like feed or comfort people.
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Fat women are just as hot and sexually gifted as women of other shapes, sizes, and abilities. Being fat doesn't mean we're so hungry for attention that we'll put our own needs aside and do whatever we can to rock your world.
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Being alone is far better than compromising on what you deserve or being made to feel as if you're someone's big dirty secret. I regret not standing up for myself when I discovered that the athletic guy was only using me for sex. But at least I learned, as we all should learn, that I'm responsible for being my biggest advocate and to never accepting anything less than what I need.
That's normal, but those types of thoughts won't help you to find a boyfriend. Shift your mindset so that you focus on thinking positive thoughts. If you find yourself thinking, "You'll never meet someone", let that thought go. Replace it with a thought like, "I'm proud of myself for putting in effort. Spend minutes a day writing down things you are thankful for. This will help you reflect on the positive aspects of your life. You could write things such as, "I'm grateful that my best friend and I both got cast in the school play" or "I'm glad my parents trust and respect me.
‘I’m a person, not a fetish’ – This is what it’s like to be a fat woman dating in 2018
Focus on your strengths. Try to spend some time each day reflecting on what you most like about yourself. You can choose any attributes you like! You can give yourself compliments out loud, or you can try writing them down. Conquering your goals is a great way to build your confidence. First, set specific goals. Remember to include both long term and short term goals. Then, make a plan to achieve each one. A long term goal might be, "Get promoted in 1 year. You could try, "Make the honor roll this semester" or "Join a new after school club".
Checking each goal off of your list will be a serious confidence boost! Build a positive body image. In today's society, it is easy to feel like you might be overweight. It can be hard to feel good about yourself when constantly faced with photos of super thin celebrities. Try to remember, these images are often airbrushed. And the ones that aren't are often not realistic for most people.
People are different heights, builds, and everyone has a different metabolism. Think about what you like about your body. For instance, "I'm glad my legs are strong enough to let me go on these long hikes that I love. Don't listen to negative comments or any type of body shaming. Find a female role model who looks real and healthy. This could be anyone from your mom to Amy Schumer. Take care with your appearance. Sometimes you can boost your confidence by focusing on feeling great about the way you look.
![](https://www.yourtango.com/sites/default/files/styles/header_slider/public/image_blog/curvy girl.jpg?itok\u003dMyAkAh-D)
Spend some time each day carefully grooming and putting yourself together. You'll find it to be an instant mood booster! Do you feel you look best in jewel tones? Find a great ruby red sweater to wear to work. Try a new hairstyle. Have you always wanted to try shorter hair? Experimenting with new looks can be a lot of fun and help you feel great. A great smile is everyone's best accessory. Try using some whitening strips to brighten yours.
Don't worry about being trendy. Maybe the latest trend at school is high waisted jeans. Those just don't look good on everyone, and that's ok. Dress for your body type. Ask a friend for advice. You can say, "Do you think this tight sweater is the best look for me? Exercise to boost your mood. You might dread going to the gym if you don't feel confident about your body.
But exercise can actually elevate your mood. Working up a sweat is a great way to feel good about yourself and increase your energy. Many gyms offer a complimentary introductory session with a pro. Get tips on the workouts that are right for you. Try a group class. Grab a friend and hit a spinning or barre class. Exercising outdoors can help you get more fresh air and sunshine, which can also boost your mood. Tryout for soccer or field hockey.
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One of the most important parts of getting a boyfriend is to meet someone that you'd like to date. Before you head out looking for guys, take a few minutes to think about what you want.
19 Reasons Why People Refuse To Date Someone Overweight
List the priorities that you're looking for in a potential boyfriend. For instance, do you love to ride your bike? Make it a priority to find someone who also enjoys that activity. You can also list important personality traits: Your friends and family can be a great resource in your hunt for someone to date.
In fact, most people report that they met their partners through friends and family. Let your network of friends know that you are open to meeting new people.
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I'm interested in meeting someone. Do you know any eligible guys that I might be interested in? Can you mention my name to him and see if he sounds interested?