Is there a way to contact Icefrog / Valve / Gaben or whoever is in charge, to change the way the current matchmaking system works? It shouldn't.
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This happens because games you win are retarded and usually thanks to leavers but they still count as wins, and because MM evaluates your "skill" after each game instead of taking last whole month into consideration. Seems like a few posts have gotten quite off topic here. The fact remains that the matchmaking system is still very broken in it's current state, if you're planning to play this game seriously with other people you don't know.
A good lot of players are in the same pool, aside from those who've stacked with 4 since they got into the game. Seemingly, this encourages stacking, which would make perfect sense seeing as you can buy invites for your friends. Valve wants to make as much money while it's in beta as they can.
So I can understand, I guess. Unfortunately, this probably means we aren't going to see any significant or better changes to the mm system until the game gets released. That implies that I play the same snowball capable hero over and over and over and that is not fun at all. Just stop arguing man dota is a team game. Yes, if your skill is , then you'll rise from to , find allies who are not idiots, and go to However if your skill is lets say , you cant solo the entire enemy team, but non disabler enemies.
They just don't care. I would like to contribute this thread with my current match history. If you look at the picture you'll understand: They unstickied several stickes. There were too many. I never see any analysis of this issue. This picture is my history, 16 games in a row. It looks like queuing with your friends is inflating your rating. The problem is when you don't play with your friends matchmaker groups you with idiots intentionally.
Also we can see that luna and cent are OP cause you win with them even in solo queue xD. I just want fair games, not fucking stomps because I was put with 4 people who random 4 melee heroes or even worse pick 4 melee heroes. Or don't buy courier if they're support. Or build crit items on PL, or who are killed 8 times using the same trick. If they are not new to dota it should be fine. And how often do you get terrible teammates? If very often, then it might be you.
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- Matchmaking is rigged :: Dota 2 General Discussions.
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It's not like this is vaguely unexpected. And if they couldn't see they're winrate they be complaining about they're game length or something else equally foolish. Both conclusions are possible, the burden of proof is on you to show that your assertion is the case.
Genuine question: is matchmaking rigged in any way? : DotA2
Lets add another simple evidance! Had a lot of streak lose with a couple of wins because of dumbs players than out of a sudden, time to make me wins again by matching me with good players against bad players The worst matchup I had seen so far was this match where I faced Merlini Stack with a team of solo queuer They won in 17 min Is it was you call balance All I can say from this match up is: I won suicide Lane with panda Tower dive me anytime, I taught them it was a bad idea , My team lost top and mid lane and fed both these lane to eventually start raging between each others muted them Why don't you link your dota profile.
I will go see all your pages and will show you further evidence of how bad this mmr is. Oh yeah I know why, Dota is a team game and they aren't team player It would be a lot easier to just give us your dotabuff link: That's kind of the point of match making: And did you play with friend? If your friend is on a new account, you will be lowered into the Normal meaning newb bracket and have easy games, thus the winning streaks.
Losing streaks are ez to get, just run into enemy fountain lol. Game should force better opponents instead of worse allies! If wait times are raised doing so than I am ready to wait 20 min. I have started to notice this more and more especially lvlup alternative accounts. You can play a number of games with very good allies who ward, buy smoke, courier, dust and know about pulling. I played the same way in my lane as in previous winning streaks to ensure that the only difference in my would be my allies.
At 50 minute mark I typed in all chat: I understand I could have increased our chances of winning that game but thats not the point the point is: Why cant you give me same allies as in my previous games who ward and buy couries and match us against better opponents? Honestly, beating the half-decayed horse is going to sell your point to Valve any better. Post in one of the 8 threads here ffs.
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True that that shows you are just as "bad" as your "bad" allies. That is not the point right here is it? If you get to a certain level of games you certainly will have some expectations am I right?
At least the support should upgrade the dam courier after you, as the carry of the team bought them the courier am I right? If they do not know at least that they need to do that then why exactly are they getting placed in those high skill matches? Why post in a thread that was already dead then? And the worst part about this is that they start to yell on ALL chat that this is "your fault" that they are lossing the game because "you" don't know how to carry and etc.
True that That is not the point right here is it? If you get to a certain level of games you will know that buying a courier is needed and that if the other guys fail to do so you will do it. Refusing to do it is the very reason why he is queued with bad people, because he ain't better himself. If I'm not misstaken a dev have already answered on a MM thread earlier in the beta.
A guy got put in a higher MM than he usually was. Lost most of the matches probably because his team were noobs and then went right down to his normal bracket. I know what I did wrong my allies were so bad they had no idea what they did wrong. I was not support either, but there were nothing bought on my team absolutely nothing. You dont understand I just played 5 games previous to that game and every single game support purchased couriers, dust, wards and we won those games.
I would have been fine losing with them if that was my fault. I dont feel right losing with this team with no courier at 50 min. How many loses are we talking about here? Because I lost 12 games in a row and in that certain case was it because of me playing bad? Was it because I was getting MM against players with much greater skill then me?
Because 25 games after that I made a bet with a friend of mine that if you are a Lycan picker and you would know how to play him verry well then you would win 9 out of 10 games in the current MM system. Wait so you got supported to victory 5 games prior to this game and you couldn't manage to buy a courier or wards. I can assure you that they knew the importance of having a courier in that game.
Everyone probably solo queued and that's why no one wanted to spend that gold at the start. Checked 5 random players from the first page and about 10 games were they had a long win streak and in almost all none of the cases they were a full team or even close. Good players win much because they are good not because the enemy team always gets the noobs. I can already see why you had a 12 loss streak. Still most strange thing about MM, is that since I made 20 more wins than losses it has kept me like that for games.
Soon I will start losing again and go to more losses than wins and than start winning again after which I lose again and so on. But your oblivious hypocricy is prove mm works?
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I can already see why you had a 12 loss streak And that would be because? Are you secretly impling that you might know the reason as to why I lost 12 games in a row? Snippity, bippity, dippity Loss recorded with Magnus. And that would be because? I do, you didn't pick Sven those 12 games. Feed, my God no. Never mention that filty word to me, ever. Hmm, I wonder why exactly I had as traxx against a overfeed riki that people wouldn't even get dust to counter. I also wonder if you know that the replay was played way before Traxx was buffed in the last patches.
But do go on pls, we can even download and comment that replay toghether if you might have the time for it. Ermac I think they were random man. I don't recall exactly so I need to check to confirm. You might want to learn to read as well and some anger management would help also. O and could you add to that what exactly does counter mean to you? Because apparently a player can't counter and gank a hero at the same time. I said they, I didn't add me to that pull. I was saying that: I was the only one buying the dam dusts and wards for our team in that game and I was forced to go for a utility build in that game because I had to support Never in any way I could or else we would have lost the game way before the 40 min mark.
Think man think, that's all I ever ask of players like you. Catma If you can't beat them, join them, it's much more fun. Please learn words semantics because it's rather hard to explain each and every time to each and every player that skips lines without even processing them in their brains. But that still didn't answer my previous question.
Why exactly did I lose all those games? I'll leave you to think about it after I point out two things. Rubick was our mid laner.