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- Controlling your Rage in CS:GO
- Anxiety While Playing CSGO : GlobalOffensive
- Tweets by @Dignitas
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Pace yourself so you do not get flustered and overwhelmed. This is as simple as it gets.
Controlling your Rage in CS:GO
Have fun with the game and have fun with your teammates. Dignitas is an international esports team with one of the most iconic and recognizable brands in the professional gaming industry that fields teams in many of esports' largest and most popular games. Dignitas' innovative and authentic brand position offers a premier opportunity for partners seeking a direct portal into the gaming and esports market.
Blogs Controlling your Rage in CS: GO scoutbl Thu 21st Aug - 6: I know we've all been there at some point of our gaming career. Here are some tips on how to control your rage. Tips for Outside of a Match - Always warm up before a game. Tips for During a Match - Be supportive of your teammates. Tweets by Dignitas Tweets by Dignitas. Should i make a new acc and play on it?
Warowl made a video about anxiety in fps games but he only told that "give yourself permission to fail". Showing 1 - 5 of 5 comments. If you don't play a game for fun then you're in a wrong spot. Best thing to do is indeed give yourself permission to fail. Another thing to do, is if your anxiety is caused by your lack of skills such as aiming, crosshair placements or grenades, is to practice.
It's better to hear what's around you, than to hear people yelling at you.
- How to overcome anxiety in csgo? :: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive General Discussions.
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- Controlling your Rage in CS:GO - Articles - Dignitas.
Yeah that is my problem currently too, I manage to overcome this "fear" in Dota but I recently started CS: GO and jesus, it is hard. I have played the game for a long time, played competitive 1. I was IGL and caller on all my teams. Was only early last year that I have really figured my game out. Never thought i would break through my anxiety and start to perform the way I know I could.
LIke i could aim my tits off vs bots, but vs real players i couldn't put it together and would choke aim shit loads. If i can do it, i swear to god, unless you literally have a serious disability and even then!
Anxiety While Playing CSGO : GlobalOffensive
Everyones different, so the reason for your anxiety will most likeyl be different to me. Mine was I had a deep fear of how others percieved me, what they thought of me. So if i choked aim and people were watching me, that would trigger the fuck out of me and it was like a negative feedback cycle feeding itself making things worse. What I did was confronted that anxiety, which was jumping in deathmatch and talking shit to people. I would sing, talk shit, just to whoever would listen, all the while working my ass off on my aim.
Talking shit can be an art btw. I wouldn't berate and ridicule people, you kind of laugh with people as opposed to at them and end up making friends. Sometimes i would just chat, I ended up having a few characters and accents.
Eventually i stopped caring about what others thought, I was playing a shit load and broke through the barriers in my aim, i started aiming more fluid and smooth. Started to understand what worked for me and what didn't.
No matter how much anxiety you have there is a point after so much practice that good aim simply becomes muscle memory assuming you are employing good aiming technique while practicing. Basically my method was brute force exposure to my anxiety triggers. Just kept exposing myself until they shrinked away, until i got comfortable with them. Along with LOTS of deathmatch. Fuck tons of deathmatch.
And also plenty of playing MM mostly 5mans with my friends. Theres also a whole lot of other healthy thinking techniques that helped me a lot. Things like writing myself little notes and reading them at the start of each round.
Tweets by @Dignitas
They would say things like:. Let go of rage, just focus on the round. Try to help out in the current round. You will be amazed by how much staying positive and focusing on the present or the next round will improve how you play. I probably have even more advice for you if you want more! So feel free to message me etc. Always happy to help people with performance anxiety issues! More things I learned in psychology that can applied to real life. The brute force exposure is actually a thing.
The other exposure method is called systematic desensitization. It's a 3 step process of first listing the situations that make you feel anxious. Then, search up some relaxation techniques and learn them. Lastly, go down that list one by one. Idk if you saw my other comment but definitely use Dr. They'll relax your muscles so you're mentally and physically ready. The hard bit is really narrowing in on the source of your anxiety and applying something to suit. I'm gonna be honest, I learned about that today.
It's pretty weird that I found something I could apply it to the same day.
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Its a great psychological technique for dealing with anxiety. Your post means a lot, Its good to know I'm not alone but also bad because that means others have the same issue lol. I'm in the early stages of really getting down to the nitty gritty to try and find the cause of the anxiety. I used to play competitive hockey and something happened and I just fell off while my mates went on to get drafted. I'll be sure to keep in touch if I find a breakthrough or need advice, thanks! The guys that tend to succeed the fastest are those that naturally had the correct mental attributes to start with.
Its not to say only certain people have those attributes, anybody can work on them, just it does take time. I strongly recommend being very open minded to different approaches to managing performance anxiety. Fantastic for just about any issue in life.
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I think the natural competitors will always be better, I just want to be the best I can be and I'll be happy with that. I am so anxious about what people spectating me perceive of me, and how many frags I have on the score board. If I lose a couple of duels early in the game etc, I will start to feel really bad, anxious, nervous and I will probably go or something during the match. It gets to the point where I get physical pain and I will feel depressed for the rest of the night. You have some really helpful and good tips.
Especially the part about exposing yourself to it. Maybe I should try to just let my guard down and bottom frag on purpose and try to really have the russians bathe me in swear words.
Bad thing is it would never stop or go away. Agree, some of the maps where I'm joking around and having fun with rando's i'll drop some serious VAC 4k juan deag rounds. I agree, when I play with friends it definitely does help.