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He has dated a number of old women and got introduced to one of them. Other celebrities include Prof. Big Eye and Sheila. We have the former relationship of Mathias Walukagga and Rema.

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The recently concluded Chameleone Legend Saba Saba concert attracted masses from all corners in and around town and it is not surprising that fellow artiste Bobi Wine who was not expected turned up to witness the much anticipated concert. Bobi Wine arrived at about Chameleone who was on stage at first ignored him and continued his performance to another three songs before thanking Bobi Wine for unexpectedly showing up.

Bobi Wine then stepped on stage and the pair mocked each other about their past which was full of fist fights but above all congratulated eachother for building and sustaining the music industry thus far. Bobi Wine then perfomed his Kyarenga alongside Chameleone. As the year comes to an end, people usually make a review of how it has unfolded in terms of their specific areas of life.

Last year, musician Bebe Cool came under fire for writing a list of his favorite top artists and songs,a list that left very many disgruntled as their favorite artists were left out, while others complained that some acts that made his list were not deserving. Looks like Ykee Benda is picking a leaf from Bebe, only this time, he will be compiling a list of the bad songs, call them not so nice songs that were produced this year.

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SK Mbuga and Leila Kayondo. What you missed at the Buzz Leavers Rock party. Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards Published 5 hours ago on December 10, Published 6 hours ago on December 10, Published 7 hours ago on December 10, Celebrity Gossip 2 days ago. Celebrity Gossip 4 days ago.

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Entertainment News 1 day ago. Entertainment News 2 days ago. So, they are silently continuing on with the relationship, until they make plans to reveal it to their loved ones. If they go against them, they plan to get married and move to South Africa so as to escape the backlash. The couple also feel that in a land of strangers, their age difference will not be a point of conversation, stares or rumours.

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I asked her whether she finds age to be a problem in their relationship and she replied: Michael has always been a very mature guy and we have so many things in common. Some people say older women only want younger men for sex or because they are having some kind of mid-life crisis, but for me, he is my soul mate.

We discussed some of the challenges they are currently facing and how they think their families will react. His brother knows about us and told him to think carefully that when I am 50, he will still be 38 - that does he really want to waste his youth? My family have wanted me to find a guy and settle down but they will not approve of this because they care too much what people think.

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I asked her if she knows other women in her position and she said: I know it's shocking to know that there are younger men that are fascinated by older women and want to be with them for more than just sexual purposes and vice-versa. However, we as a society will never accept that. I reflected upon my conversation with Maria and all those celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Madonna that are known to date younger men.

Simultaneously, I think of all the men I know who date younger women and celebrities such as Donald Trump and Michael Douglas.

Certainly, the way their relationships are portrayed are very different based on their gender. So, reader, I end this piece today with a heavy heart over the fact that for most people, age really is not just a number.

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