I first got into Satanism when I was My parents are committed Christians and took my sisters and me to church when we were kids. A few.
Table of contents
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- Confessions of a former Satanist
- ‘Satanism became my life’
- 5 things you didn't know about satanists
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Confessions of a former Satanist
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A side of Las Vegas that few see. Inside Las Vegas' squatter problem. Nowhere to live in Las Vegas. Story highlights On their websites, the Church of Satan and the Satanic Temple say Satan is a symbol, not a being The groups reject holy sites, gods and other things sacred to most religions, but they place a high value on symbolism and art They don't celebrate Jesus' birth, but on satanist says he spends time with family and "enjoy s the richness of life" on Christmas.
But you might be surprised to learn that many satanists are a lot more interested in community activism and individual freedoms than heavy metal or performing bizarre rites. Surprisingly, most card-carrying satanists do not worship Satan or any other form of the devil -- they are actually atheists. The Church of Satan, founded in the mids, explains it this way on its website: We do not believe in Satan as a being or person.
‘Satanism became my life’
The Church of Satan puts the individual at the center of the universe, what high priest Peter Gilmore describes as going from an "a-theist" to an "I-theist. The Satanic Temple , which formed in recent years to fight a perceived intrusion of Christian values on American politics, says, "we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Why would satanists be OK with celebrating the birth of Jesus? Because, the Church of Satan claims, "Christians stole this holiday from the pagans -- Santa Claus has come to signify indulgence, and he is a combination of Dionysos and Silenus from Roman and Greek myths.
Michael Mars, a Detroit artist and member of the Satanic Temple, says he celebrates Christmas, but not as a day to commemorate Jesus' birth.
5 things you didn't know about satanists
He, like other members of the Satanic Temple, has no problem with other religions' holidays. The Church of Satan doesn't have actual church buildings, because "that would be against our individualist approach to living," its website says. For a short time, its founder Anton LaVey used his San Francisco home as the church's headquarters, where he performed rituals. Now, the church is based in New York, and its headquarters is not open to visitors. The Church of Satan once had "grottos," or local chapters, but it disbanded those after deeming them "unnecessary.
The Satanic Temple has chapters in at least a dozen locations in the United States, as well as Finland and Italy, but it also does not have permanent physical temples.
The temple had difficulty finding a temporary location for the unveiling of its massive Baphomet statue in Detroit this summer: Threats and protests caused the owners of several locations to back out. It finally found a venue, but it had to keep the location secret -- even from those attending -- until the night of the event, because of security concerns.
In the s and s, American talk shows and news programs linked reports of animal sacrifice and ritualistic killing to satanic worship. Geraldo Rivera claimed in a televised special report that more than a million satanists were plying their evil trade in America right at the very moment.