Automated TL/OSL reader systems, models Risø TL/OSL-DA-8/12/14/15/20 have been delivered . Dr. O. Langevin, TL dating Laboratory, Grenoble, France (2).
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Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating (NLL)
Sedimentation processes on Mars are completely unexplored. In addition, fluid phases may have contributed significantly to erosion and transport processes to form the Martian landscape. Dating of buried grains in sedimentary layers would give a crucial contribution to the understanding of surface forming processes and is essential for any further exploration of planet Mars. It is therefore essential to develop a method, which can determine the chronology of sedimentary deposits. Such a technique must be incorporated into an instrument requiring low resources mass, power, volume and placed onto the surface of Mars.
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Since various sites on the Martian surface need to be visited, the instrument must be incorporated into a mobile surface rover having a soil penetration capability or a sample retrieval system. The OSL method has been demonstrated its suitability in portable instruments during the fieldwork in sedimentary deposits on Earth.
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The Martian environment however differs considerably concerning environmental conditions and mineralogical composition of sedimentary deposits from Earth. A careful assessment of these aspects and the best suitable OSL technique itself is required prior a breadboard design. The scope of the current activity is as follows: To analyse, review and optimise the scientific requirements for a LD instruments appropriate to analyse the age of buried sedimentary soils below the Martian surface To review and trade-off the best OSL techniques according the Martian surface mineralogy and geological setting To set-up a measurement campaign on terrestrial analogue materials reflecting a known or assumed Martian mineralogy.
Reliable age determinations can be obtained from 0. Our sample preparation laboratory is equipped with a magnetic separator and heavy liquid sodiumpolytungstate separation tools to isolate and clean the appropriate grain size fractions for each sample under darkroom conditions.
Palaeodose determination Instruments installed at the Geological Institute. Dose rate determination Instruments installed at the Institute for Nuclear Sciences. The portable NaI Tl gammaspectromet er in action. Chronostratigraphy and luminescence dating of the aeolian deposits of the western Chinese loess plateau: Since a few years we shifted from thermal signal stimulation to optical stimulation and focussed our research on the applicabilty of the recently developed single aliquot dating procedures SAR, SAAD.
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This focus wil not change during the coming years Authenticity testing of ceramics with the TL method can be carried for museums and scientific institutions upon request. Van den haute P. Exploring the methodology of optically stimulated luminescence dating and comparison of optical and 14C ages of Late Weichselian coversands in the southern Netherlands. Radiation measurements, 32, Journal of African Earth Sciences; 30,
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- Luminescence Dating Overview and Facilities.