Quote: Originally Posted by AN Hi, I just purchased a K with Serial # K XX not sure how to get an accurate date. I am guessing mid.
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- combat masterpiece k22 1954
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March 22, , I am preparing to buy one soon and have started looking online. Can anyone tell me the difference between a '3 screw' and a '5 screw'? I'm assuming that it has to do with manufacturing dates. Is one thought to be better? Is it possible to easily date the K? Round butt, square butt?
Does it matter if one is pre-war, post-war, seventy's, eighty's? I'll be buying on stated condition, probably from Cabela's because of price and I've dealt with them for many years. Can you tell me any specific questions to ask of the sellers? Anything I should be cautious of? One question I'll ask is condition of the cylinder face, looking for evidence of dry firing. Thanks for the help. Make sure you get the original grips, when you buy one.
The year of manufacture is easily determined by the serial number prefix. Do a Google on it, you'll find more than one site that will have a table. They're great revolvers, I have two of them and will buy another if the right price comes around, sometimes great deals can be had. Five screws were made till If you post the serial number I can tell you the date it was made.
combat masterpiece k22 1954
Some of the older Ks had the grip panels serial numbered to that of the frame. I don't know when that started, or stoped. If you are offered an old model, you might want to check that. Generally speaking the earlier a K22 is the more it will be worth. They have a screw in front of the triggerguard and four screws holding the side plate on.
S&W K date of manufacture - 24hourcampfire
The bottom rear screw is frequently hidden by the stocks, trust me, it is there. They are known as a "one liner" Smith. Later in they changed to a four line address and have kept it since then. This one is from In they started using a numbering system and the K22 Masterpiece became the Model Around that time, the screw at the top of the side plate was eliminated and they have become known as the four screw model.
This is a Model 29 no dash no dash means there have no revisions in the guns design since the numbering system was adopted. In the thread on the ejector rod was changed from a right hand thread to a left hand thread and the models in production received the -1 revision code. This is just a quick primer on the differences between the three, four and five screw models. When you have looked at a few of them, the differences will become easy to spot.
This is a somewhat broad question, so I'll try to hit the major points without diving too far into minutia. The K aka Model 17 is a K frame revolver. Early-mid 20th century K frames had 5 frame screws: The screw at the bottom of the frontstrap of the grip isn't counted; don't ask me why not.
Screw 3 is generally hidden by the stocks aka grips used on most postwar Smiths, so you generally won't see it. Both are rare and generally quite expensive. They can be distinguished from later models by their unusual sights, stocks, and hammers, narrower barrels than later models, and high 6-digit serial numbers without a "K" prefix.
However, if you're looking for a shooter, you will most likely bypass these. The K was reintroduced after the war with more modern-appearing sights, stocks, and hammers, and the serial numbers restarted at K Initial versions had 5 frame screws and a barrel with a slight taper. Numerous minor changes were made during the first few years of postwar production. In , screw 5 top sideplate was eliminated, and the barrels became thicker with wider top ribs.
A few minor barrel variations exist. The K Masterpiece became the Model 17, with a "M17" stamp inside the yoke cut. After this point, dash numbers e.
M were used to indicate engineering changes. In , screw 4 front of trigger guard was eliminated with the introduction of the M In , the barrel pin was eliminated.
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In , the barrel was changed from a partial underlug to full underlug with the intro of the M In , the Model 17 was discontinued. It was reintroduced a couple of years ago as a "Classic" model that looks like an older-production gun but incorporates a few current features. Most of this has little influence on how the gun shoots. Arguably the only really significant change was the full underlug barrel, as it changes the balance of the gun. Collectors will pay a premium for the older versions, particularly ones with unusual combinations of features, but this doesn't mean they're better- just more collectible.
All K's have recessed chambers- they have been used on all standard post rimfire Smiths to prevent case head separations. The barrel pin is only significant from a collector standpoint. The K was offered in a somewhat uncommon single-action-only version.
If you pull the trigger like you're firing double-action, the cylinder will advance, but the hammer will NOT rise and drop. If you find one that does this, it's not broken- it's just unusual. The K was, for the most part, sold with blued finish only. So you want a K? I have 4 myself one is actually a I sold one to a friend, and I actually just bought another its being shipped in.
I see carguychristopher beat me to it. I guess you could add our posts together for the whole truth! I forgot about the SN question but carguychris covered that. They are easy to date with SN. March 24, , Because I like the pinned barrel, I would concentrate on clean specimens from - There's not a huge difference in any of them for the shooter.
Anything earlier than should be good, and any s which have the barrel pin would be good. Beyond that, I would go strictly on condition and price. Either of them will provide a lifetime of enjoyment. Apparently as a cost saving device, the guns were less polished, which translated into a less shiny finish. To some, it didn't really matter; to others it was a cause of much weeping and wailing. March 27, , In general, I have been impressed with the quality of the Bangor Punta era Smiths, but the earlier Smiths do have a certain feeling of higher craftsmanship and hand fitting compared to the more modern guns.
The ones from the 's were outstanding in workmanship and quality, and the s era was not lacking, either. There are model 18's out there as well I wouldn't rule them out either. March 28, , Tell me what caliber you need and I'll see what I have to swap. PM me and we'll discuss. February 6, , Bribery and corruption abound.
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You can't go wrong with a K Duty then is the sublimest word in the English language. You should do your duty in all things. You can never do more, you should never wish to do less.
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- Smith & Wesson K Masterpiece help.
Not the best pictures, but you get the idea. You didn't mention condition and asking price, but if your looking for a fun gun to enjoy an afternoon at the range, this and the K22's are 2 of the best. If price is within reason, get it, enjoy it and don't look back.
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Gun hacker, This will be my first revolver in over 40 years. I have been shooting and competing with 's and just got the itch for a nice revolver.
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I know nothing except the adage "buy once and cry once" has served me well. All I will do with this revolver is shoot it occasionally at 15 to 30 yard targets and baby it. My 's are tools that get run hard. One of my Ed Browns has north of 30K rounds through it. The revolver I am looking for will be a show pony.