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Activity through July was typical of the ongoing eruption with near-constant emissions of water vapor, gas, and minor ash, as well as multiple explosions every week with ash-plumes and incandescent blocks sent down the flanks BGVN This report covers similar activity through February Satellite visible and thermal imagery and SO2 data also provide important observations. Near-constant emissions of steam and gas, often with minor ash content, were typical activity for throughout August February Intermittent larger explosions with plumes of moderate ash content that generated ashfall in nearby communities were reported in most months, including several times during October and November , reaching communities as far as 70 km away.
Incandescence at the summit was often observed on clear nights, and Strombolian activity that sent incandescent blocks several hundred meters down the flanks occurred at least once each month during September January The tallest ash plumes during the period reached 9. Thermal anomalies were persistently detected in satellite data throughout the period, and SO2 plumes were recorded every month with satellite instruments. Activity during August-September They also noted numerous low-intensity explosions with steam, gas, and ash during August.
A small explosion early on 14 August produced a m-high plume with minor ash content that drifted SW. Two explosions later in the day generated ash plumes that rose 0. Another explosion on 15 August produced a plume over 1 km in height with moderate ash content. Later in the day the ash cloud was observed about km W of the summit, and a new cloud at a slightly lower altitude had drifted 45 km NW. View is from the Altzomoni webcam, located about 10 km N of the summit. There were daily explosions during August, but weather clouds obscured views of the summit.
Incandescence at the summit crater was observed on many clear nights during August. During September cloudy conditions generally prohibited observations of the summit, but low-intensity emissions of steam and gas were briefly observed, many containing minor ash.
It extended km W of the volcano by early afternoon on 27 September. Activity during October-November The ash plume from the explosion late on 30 September was visible in satellite imagery the following morning located 15 km SW from the summit at 7.
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Lahars were also observed on the W flank, but there were no reports of damage. The Tlamacas webcam is located about 5 km N of the volcano. The second explosion produced an ash plume that rose 3 km and drifted NNE. Numerous plumes rose to 5. Numerous low-intensity exhalative events during October produced ash plumes less than 1 km above the crater that drifted SW.
CENAPRED noted incandescence at the crater during most nights from 14 to 31 October, as well as steam, gas, and minor ash from hundreds of low-intensity emission events each day. The Washington VAAC reported ash emissions visible in satellite imagery on 16, , and 26 October drifting in several different directions at altitudes of 5.
The plume observed on 22 October reached 60 km from the summit before dissipating. CENAPRED reported hundreds of daily low intensity emissions of gas and steam that often contained minor ash; the plumes generally rose about 1 km above the summit and most often drifted SW. They also observed incandescence at the crater on all clear nights. They reported Strombolian activity on 3 November in the early morning that lasted for several hours. Another explosion that night sent incandescent fragments m down the flanks. An explosion on 6 November sent an ash plume 2. Another explosion during the early morning of 7 November produced a 2-km-high ash plume.
Moderate amounts of ash rose 1 km above the summit on 8 November. There were three explosions on 10 November; the largest produced a 3-km-high ash plume that drifted SW. An explosion on 17 November sent an ash plume 2. During November five explosions caused ash plumes to rise 2 km above the summit and incandescent blocks to fall down the E flank. Around on 20 November, seismic activity increased and was accompanied by a constant plume of steam, gas, and moderate ash that rose about 1.
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