the games matchmaking pisses of lots of players im not an amazing player i play games a day but its geting frustrating.
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- Why smite has so bad matchmaking for casual players and what to do :: SMITE General Discussions
- Crossplay FAQs
So ye, its getting worse and worse.
As a gold, last week I was matched with jigz and wowy on my team along with a silver I went mid against a GM I always thought that Smite just sorta checked if you were above level 30 then dumped you into a match incoherently. Look up their player levels, if they're just above 30 or just low in general it's very likely you just have an inexperienced player on your hands. Play casuals and just have fun. Play with a full squad of friends, run around cheesing people, try gimmick builds, but just don't go into it expecting great plays.
In ranked, you have casual players who are pretending to be SPL players and that shit is annoying, but in casuals you have other scrubs yelling at you to play the meta. Matchmaking applies in casuals, but every mode has an individual MMR. So like some guy who plays a thousand casual conquest games and is pretty good, who has never played Clash, could step into a Clash queue and get put with players much worse than he is, because his Clash MMR is just the base starting one.
Hell I've played games in casuals where 3 solo q'd sub level 30s were on my team. It's definitely getting worse. In reality, a game that starts to sink in terms of player base is going to have a worse matchmaking system. On top of this, I'm pretty sure hirez is still testing their new system. I'm not sure, but from my experience I think so. I either get stomped pretty hard or I'm the one that stomps the other team, and the latter is usually because I end up against brand new players.
The elo is nothing, not because it's not accurate, but it doesn't always represent the skill of a player. I matched with people like AlphaJackal , this guy , and every other tryhard in existence. I guess more people play a lot with their mains so they will be in similar positions. I don't think I can go higher with my main, and I also want to play more gods, so the only way to "correct" my elo is to feed every game, not intentionally but because I really really suck, and apologize to everyone for how bad I am. It also isn't accurate, except sort of in ranked modes. So it's actively misleading you if you try to rely on it for casuals.
You'd probably win more if you stopped running support Aphrodite in a competitive environment. Your comment is funny, I have reached high elo with Aphrodite support without even knowing how to play conquest.
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I mostly carry all games with Aphrodite. I have most wins in normal conquest from any other player at the moment with Aphrodite. Just finished a game of siege with a friend. I'm lvl 29 and him We had a lvl 16 and 50 on our team also. Enemy team had a , , , and Needless to say the game was over in 12 minutes.
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- How does the matchmaking in casual work considering player level. :: SMITE General Discussions.
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We've both noticed this trend recently in the past couple of months. We either absolutely destroy or get destroyed. Rarely do we get into a balanced game. What's the playerbase like? Are there so few people playing that they have to pair people who are very different levels? There's a ton of new players in the past few months.
Why smite has so bad matchmaking for casual players and what to do :: SMITE General Discussions
I don't know if you play on Console but especially on console's ever since Paragon died. I myself have only played for the past five months, but I've played a ton of Paragon, Battleborn, LoL so I kinda came into the game prepared. Even during the day, like 5pm on a saturday its still pretty shit tho, barely better then 2am q's. Is the other team in a party? I've noticed when I solo with some others in a party it's not a bad game. I get pub stomped when 3 of the 5 are from a party. Yea im lvl and get people lvl 60 and below all the time. Not to mention have to face full clans with 4 randoms or a team of 3 and 2 in clans together instead of putting the clans of 3 and 2 against each other with a couple of randoms no its 5 randoms together against the clans.
Their matchmaking is so bullshit its astonishing. Remember that a new system is currently being tested in casual queues. This means there will be bugs, problems, and things that need improvement. If you have problematic matches, post in the thread they asked us to post in.
Most noteably more and more people are unmuting their mic to say our team is sh t and pick a person to blame when they die a console exclusive in season no one used a mic outside of parties. Arena not too much of a different story just far more dc's and intentional trolls can't even call them feeders it's so bad plus the games are never close anymore it's always a blowout or a 10min surrender 1 way or the other due to dc's trolls and or loads and loads of bm.
Play in a pre-made yes it used to be easy now most of who i know that play don't want to be bothered with the issues stated above and my options are limited too people who unmute their mic to call someone trash or my fav xbox club lfg joust no one plays conquest that knows the game if they talk its about getting high or being high so i'm all set if your on xbox you know i'm telling the truth.
Yeah i feel it too. By default, casual matchmaking will find the best matches for players regardless of platform or input method. SMITE and Paladins players can choose to play only against players with the same input method either keyboard and mouse, or controller in casual matches. However, players will find higher quality matches, more quickly, by leaving cross-input matchmaking enabled.
Players will only ever play against other players using the same input method in ranked. If you have both controller and keyboard and mouse users in your party, your party will queue for cross-input matchmaking regardless of player preferences. You cannot play ranked matches with cross-input parties.
We will be adding mouse and keyboard support to Xbox One alongside the launch of cross-play. We intend to add mouse and keyboard support to other platforms which support that input method as they join our cross-play environment. You will not be able to shift input method during a match. If you start a match on controller, you will not be allowed to plug in a mouse and keyboard -- or vice versa.
Crossplay FAQs
We are technically ready to support cross-progression on other platforms as the opportunity arises. Some platform specific skins, containing the Xbox logo for example, may not be available on every platform. Additionally, some items contained in DLC bundles may only be available on the platform where the DLC was purchased, due to platform requirements.
I play on multiple platforms. How will you treat my separate progress and purchases on different platforms? When cross-progression is enabled, we will merge your owned content across platform accounts linked with your Hi-Rez Account, in accordance with platform provider policies. I bought the same thing on multiple different platforms. Will I get a refund when accounts are merged?
Given the myriad different ways players can acquire content in our games free Gems and Crystals, gifts, chest rolls, direct purchase, sales, etc. Your content will only be available across platform accounts that are linked with your Hi-Rez Account. Due to this requirement, there is a chance that Nintendo Switch purchases and progress will not be included in cross-progression at the launch of our system.
We are still finalizing the account linking process for Nintendo Switch, and Switch will be added to cross-progression as soon as account linking is fully implemented.
You can only link one account per type to a Hi-Rez Account. If you unlink an account after it has been merged, all progress and purchases will be removed from that account, and it will essentially become a new, level 1 account. Breaking Into The Industry. Intro Hi-Rez Studios believes gamers should be able to play with their friends -- and access their content -- regardless of what platform they play on.
When will cross-play and cross-progression go live? Will you support cross-platform voice chat? Does PC have to wait for console certification to be updated? Our new technology will allow for environments to be updated at separate times. How will this impact the separate PC and Console esports scenes?