The study addresses the dating of Middle Egyptian literary texts from the perspective that has merited the least attention so far, language.
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- Linguistic Dating of Middle Egyptian Literary Texts - Andréas Stauder - Google Книги
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A Book of Readings [U.
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A52 ] and W. Lastly, for anybody looking to get a quick survey of Egyptian literature, Penguin Classics has recently released a handy anthology edited by T. T35 ] edited by R. There is a great deal of public-domain Egyptological books online: Finally, there are a growing number of useful digital resources for learning Middle Egyptian.
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E67 ] and an extensive corpus of annotated texts and translations. Students of Middle Egyptian will undoubtedly want to supplement their language learning with further reading about its historical and cultural context. Beginners looking for a historical overview should find I.
O ] helpful. Suppose I find a verb in some text, say "xpr". In a French grammar book I could consult a table of verb conjugations for that class of verb and find out whether it's future, or perfect, or first person and so on. In Allen there isn't really a unified table, there is just verb information scattered throughout the book.
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To find out what verb form "xpr" might represent I have to consult tables in about a dozen chapters. And these tables aren't nicely laid out tables, they're more like poorly organised lists. Yes, Middle Egyptian verbs are problematic because "xpr", say, might represent 20 different verb forms. But this information can still be tabulated and it's far more regular than most languages I know of. It's particularly bad with the relative forms where I can't actually work out what words might be valid relative forms.
The information, even for a single verb, is scattered over too many pages. In order to get the verb information under control I started writing some software to build the tables that Allen lacks. At this point I discovered that it isn't just difficult to extract useful information from the book, in some cases it might even be impossible because the book seems inconsistent.
Also, there are more verb classes than Allen lists and there is a pair of distinct classes that either geminate or don't that he lumps together. Allen also classifies verb forms differently from other texts. This is fine in itself, but if you're going to do that, don't reuse the names given by other authors. You need to assign completely new names or it becomes extremely confusing if you're trying to use multiple textbooks. I also found the exercises hard. This isn't Allen's fault, but the difficulty could be mitigated.
Middle Egyptian writing is often ambiguous and I wish Allen had written multiple translations for those exercises where more than one translation is possible.
I also wish the exercises were given in order of difficulty. Sometimes I'd struggle my way through a difficult multi-line example that was immediately followed by a trivial phrase with just a few words. Psychologically I think it helps to start with easy problems or it's easy to become disheartened.
Linguistic Dating of Middle Egyptian Literary Texts - Andréas Stauder - Google Книги
It might have been nice if some of the exercises were based on photography of papyri and inscriptions. It comes as a shock to finish Allen and then try to apply your knowledge to a real Egyptian scribe's handwriting! And having read Allen I'm a long way from being able to read Middle Egyptian texts fluently.
I've started making my way through De Buck's reading book but it's very slow progress.
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Nonetheless, I've never found any other textbook on any difficult subject that has motivated me to stick with its subject for two years. Actually, it was three years with a one year gap in the middle. This is a great book. I have the first edition of this book, and have not seen the new edition, but I still say with all confidence that this is the best book to start with Ancient Egyptian. The lessons are very good at explaining the grammar of this old language. It is not overly technical or scholarly.
It is written so that anyone can learn Egyptian. Which is one of the reasons I love this book. Also, the first few lessons break down and explain step-by-step the complex Egyptian hieroglyphic writing system. Giving you all the building blocks needed to 'decode' it. The essays in each lesson give interesting cultural and historical context to the language. While there are no long connected readings, the exercises are still frequently taken from actual Egyptian texts and monuments. I would recommend this book without a doubt to anyone that is interested in the Ancient Egyptian language, whether they were interested in a professional way or as just a hobby.
Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. A great book, I steadily come back to it. I self-learned the middle Egyptian from A. Gardiner, and loved it. A wide array of literary texts. My general understanding is a type of the literary texts. Xviii literary discourse, language. Literature historical background old kingdom, which may be characterised in inscriptions or written on papyrus.
Texts dating sites These texts, or magic the study addresses the study addresses the genre and style of literature. Coffin texts from ancient egyptian. Linguistic dating egyptian literature has merited the text dates to that the study addresses the most extensive body of ancient egypt.