If you are looking for someone to date, you probably have some pretty high More than many professionals, lawyers tend to be workaholics.
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- I own a frozen yogurt shop!! WHAT?!! ^^
- Things I Love
- DSK Steph!: How to Date a Lawyer by Avvo
- 5 Things You Need to Know About Dating a Lawyer
Lawyers are paid to argue, whether it's in spoken form or in their written briefs. They are paid to come up with different angles on things, and being agreeable in the legal field can sometimes get a person fired. Lawyers are taught to argue all the way back in law school, when their professors put them through the Socratic method of teaching. While this works well in the courtroom and in a law firm setting, it can be a challenging thing for those who date lawyers. To have a good relationship, you need to be able to work through problems.
I own a frozen yogurt shop!! WHAT?!! ^^
This requires both partners to take on some responsibility and accept fault. Lawyers often like to win, and many have a hard time letting an argument go without scoring that win. If you're going to be in a relationship with a lawyer, you'll need to know how they operate so you can account for this behavior. If you spent every day working in the legal world, you'd begin to think like a lawyer.
Most lawyers end up viewing the world through the lens they have cultivated over many years. When seeing that a person has been murdered, their first thought might be about the legal defense of the suspect rather than the pain of the victim's family. This is just the nature of the beast for some lawyers, and it might not seem normal for those who work outside of the legal field.
Things I Love
If you want a relationship with a lawyer to be successful, you may have to accommodate this little quirk. Think of it as a new way of seeing things that can lend some insight to your own life. Good lawyers can usually be identified because they will act like lawyers. Lawyers are trained to see all sides of situations.
DSK Steph!: How to Date a Lawyer by Avvo
This can make them especially empathetic. They may be able to think about the pain of a crime victim while also thinking about the difficult upbringing of the person who committed the crime. This can be a good thing in a relationship. The lawyer you date may be more caring because of his or her experience in cases.
![#2. Lawyers Love Their Coffee](https://thoughtcatalog.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/shutterstock_224615320.jpg?w\u003d786\u0026h\u003d390)
If you can get through the petty arguments, your lawyer partner might turn into the most sensitive and empathetic person you've ever dated. Dating a lawyer can be fun. Lawyers are smart people who usually have unique ways of viewing the world. They are also people who may make life a little more challenging. They'll want to win. Some may have an obsession with always being right.
If you find the right lawyer, you may have a gem on your hands who can lead you to a life of happiness. Just make sure you are prepared for dating a lawyer. They're a special breed that will act differently from the accountants you've been seeing. Do you like this Article?
- 10 Things You Need To Know About Dating Lawyers | Thought Catalog.
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5 Things You Need to Know About Dating a Lawyer
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You attend lots of fancy parties. Grab your dancing shoes because lawyers throw some fancy parties. You just might not remember it. The celebrity always did it. If you ask me, this is probably the greatest perk of dating an attorney. He can take care of your parking tickets, speeding tickets, and pretty much any other ticket you get.
So speed away my friends.
You will never pay full price for anything. Lawyers are the best at negotiating. That new car you want? Then again, no one would watch a drama about a coffee spill on settlement documents or a late court reporter. The student loan debt is unbelievable.
Prepare yourself to live in a studio apartment for a few years eating frozen dinners, all the while paying the equivalent of a mortgage on a lovely house in Malibu. It can be lonely. You will never win an argument. This is not up for debate. The dry cleaning bill will make you weep.