That will never happen. But I do believe that if you seek God's guidance, He will lead you to the person who is going to be the best match for you. I believe that.
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- What should I look for in a Christian boyfriend?
- 5 Signs the Person You're Dating is Not Your Future Spouse
- 5 Signs You Are in the Right Christian Relationship
Does this person help you attend church because you go together now or does this person pull you away from the pew because they always want to stay out late on Saturday? When your relationship with God is enhanced by your connection to another person, this is a great relationship to be in. Usually we feel closer to God in a relationship when we know we are linked with someone who is also seeking Christ like us. When you are seeking Christ but you are linked to someone not seeking Christ at your same passion level, this can cause you to feel further from God when you are with this person.
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Another sign of a healthy Christian relationship is when you feel more like your true self around this person. When you feel less like the real you in a relationship, that is not a healthy relationship. We usually enjoy people that make us feel comfortable to be ourselves. If you are introverted, you will usually enjoy someone who does not pressure you to be excited and talkative.
If you are extroverted, you will enjoy people who help you express yourself. When you are free to share your opinions openly without getting judged, then you will enjoy this relationship.
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Long-term relationships will be healthy when two people are free to be themselves when together. When you come home after dealing with the world, it is draining to have to dance around your spouse and act in a way that is not natural to you. So what effect is this relationship having on your character development and spiritual growth? If this relationship is forcing you to confront hard things in yourself that you have been avoiding, that is healthy.
What should I look for in a Christian boyfriend?
If you are being stretched as you learn to love another imperfect human and be loved by someone even when you mess up, this is good. God always uses our relationships to mature us and heal us.
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- 10 signs you're in the wrong relationship | Christian Connection Blog;
This is never a painless process. So if a relationship is stretching you, challenging you, and causing you to grow in new ways, this is probably the right Christian relationship to be in. You can often learn about your future by looking at the trends in your present.
5 Signs the Person You're Dating is Not Your Future Spouse
If you are in a relationship right now that does not seem ministry focused, it is unlikely that this relationship will result in an abundance of ministry in the future. I just mean Christian service. But Jesus tells us that the first and greatest commandment is that we love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength Mark Both you and the person you are dating should desire Christ more than you desire anything else.
When we love Christ first, we see love differently, and can love the person we are with, in extraordinary ways. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. It is important that we choose to date people who truly know God, and model this in their life choices. Prayer is an extremely powerful tool, particularly in the lives of those who believe in Christ.
Couples in true Christian relationships lift each other up, particularly in prayer.
5 Signs You Are in the Right Christian Relationship
Prayer can be a powerful tool in your relationship life. The two of you become one in God by constantly seeking His counsel and fixing your eyes on him. Prayer also promotes emotional intimacy. Just like physical intimacy reaffirms oneness, praying together does the same. You better communicate with each other when you actively community with God.
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- 5 Signs You Are in the Right Christian Relationship |;
You Both Know The Boundaries. When you are in a true Christian relationship, the motivation for getting involved in the relationship can be very different than those in non-Christ based relationships. The reason you are dating that particular person is because you believe the relationship will lead to marriage. Dating can even occur without marriage in mind.
In a Christ-based relationship, boundaries are set, particularly related to physical intimacy so that the relationship maintains purity and is truly centered on God. Too often boundaries are not set in modern, non-Christ centered relationships, and they breakdown. Instead, fix your attention on God. Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it.
While it may be incredibly hard to not give in to passion, the authority of Christ should take precedence over physical desires. The boundaries and commitments we make in our relationships provide for the success of the relationship. In a true Christian relationship, love is the fruit of the spirit. You operate in love, not lust.