Husband caught on dating site

I have been married to my husband for more than 10 years. More than a year ago , I caught him on Ashley Madison after finding his junk mail.
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The brain releases oxytocin during sex, touch and most positive social interaction.

Lifestyle & Relationships

Husbands who do not get sex from a wife or lack positive interactions with her may use dating websites to seek out a healthier relationship. Husbands with high testosterone levels may go on dating sites to satisfy immediate hormonal urges that suppress the effect of hormones that promote monogamy. Some unhappy husbands seek out opportunities for infidelity. Your husband may go on dating sites to seek out opportunities for escaping his life or feelings of financial inferiority. Dating sites can help heterosexual men seek out sex with straight men.

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  6. When You Catch Your Partner in an Online Dating Site.
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Dating sites can offer anonymous and detached sexual opportunities to heterosexual men who want to explore homoerotic fantasies. According to psychotherapist and sexologist Joe Kort, straight men have sex with straight men, because they are attracted to the act of sex, but not the other man. Husbands may use dating sites to seek out sexual experiences with other heterosexual men.

Some men with high-paying jobs cheat just because they can. Husbands with high-paying jobs may use dating sites to seek out partners for infidelity. Technology offers tools that can change innocent opportunities into bona fide infidelity.

Some personal websites are designed specifically for people who seek extramarital affairs. He is a loser. But if he is willing to get help for it, then both can try and mend the cracks in the marriage.

How looking at a dating app can ruin your marriage | Daily Mail Online

If you need tips on how to get revenge, I have a detailed list on how to teach him a lesson and get payback in one of my posted questions a month back. Seduce Your Ex http: You may love him, but sorry to say the feeling is not mutual. Don't try to carry on a one sided relationship. When I left a cheater, later I asked him why he kept telling me he loved me.

He said because of all the things I did for him, and that he was just covering up. They just want their cake and eat it too. There is no such thing as female "friends" on a dating site, hun.


An example of a female friend is someone he would introduce you to with that's lady's husband present. If he wanted single female friends he should not have gotten married. If he's addicted to a dating website he's already left you anyway. Just hasn't moved out yet. OMG what is it going to take for you to open your eyes. My ex had the same problem so I know what you are going through but come on 1 chance is enough after it's 1 to many. He obviously has no respect for you or thinks you will just keep coming back.

Although I hate saying this maybe it's time to call it quits or make him go to sex addiction rehab. It really sounds like he has a real problem.

How looking at a dating app can ruin your marriage

My ex has the same problem and ever since I left him I'm happier and more at peace with myself and my life. I mean look in the mirror and think is it really worth the stress wondering which one of those 3 will sleep with him and then possibly give you a STD think about it.

Address the Issues

He is clearly chatting up the women he meets, albeit very badly! He's done it before too, repeatedly. I don't think he's at all committed to this marriage. And I don't think he's going to give up pursuing other women I wouldn't wait around, forever tormented about what he's likely to be up to and whether you'll uncover it in time.

I'd leave if I was you. This wasn't a one-off. He's a repeat offender. Judging from your diatribe, if you leave him you're only going to find another man just like him. How can you change someone else?

Relationship BS: I Caught My Girlfriend on a Dating Site!

The problem ultimately lies within you. Not because you are cheating, lying or unfaithful, but because you look for that type of person to latch on to.

I caught my husband using a dating site?

How long do you think you can survive going from man to man, each one of them tried and true jerks, and not become unhealthy, get cancer, depressed, be in therapy on meds whatever. You need to fix you first before you can figure out how to engage in a relationship with another human being.

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  • The fact that you're even on this board asking this question is tantamount to my answer. What has happened in the development of you that you do not deserve to be loved without doubt? Why are you not loving yourself more than any other? When you engage in relationships that are unhealthy you are making yourself unhealthy.

    Is he engaging in relationships that are unhealthy? Cmon and center yourself! He is just wanting more. He wants you, and anyone else, if only to stroke his ego. He might have a low self-esteem, but he needs to get over it. If you keep busting him, I don't think he is going to stop. His goal is to keep you and get more from others, and that could be more than sexual stuff, but I am sure it would get to that even if he had friends.

    Guys are sexual creatures. The other scary thing is that guys can actually love many women at the same time.