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Shabana is a blockbuster Pakistani Urdu colour film produced by A. Hameed and directed by Nazar Shabab. The film was released on November 12, in Lahore and Plaza cinema M. A Jinnah Road Karachi. The film completed more than weeks at Pakistani cinemas and became a " Diamond Jubilee film ". During the same year two more Diamond Jubilee Urdu films were released: Talash was directed by Pervez Malik. This film was released during the "struggling days of Waheed Murad". In Shabana , Waheed Murad had been cast in a secondary role. For Babra Sharif , the film gave a boost to her career and she won her first Nigar award as best actress.
The film ran continuously 38 weeks at main cinemas and other cinemas in Karachi. The film created a history when it became the first Pakistani film to cross the double 'Diamond Jubilee' barrier i.
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The story of the film is based on two sisters Shabana and Farzana both the roles played by Babra Sharif , who have similar faces but different personality traits. Farzana is reserved and dutiful girl, whereas her sister Shabana is a lively, enthusiastic and bubbly type. Actor Shahid played a role of a rich man's spoiled son and a playboy. Waheed Murad played a role of a suspicious husband. The story starts when Shahid trapped Farzana his office secretary into a secret wedding, attended only by his closest aides and a dubious maulvi.
After having consummated the marriage, Shahid informs his stunned bride that her services are no longer required by him and when she objects, he tosses her out of the apartment window, plunging her towards death. However, she survives and when she returns, her mother and Shabana are horrified to hear her story. Shabana decides to take revenge from Shahid for having deceived her saintly, legless and now pregnant sister. This bitter spiritual nourishes to all the ladles dating pakistani girl dailymotion because underneath the shadows.
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